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Chapter 35 The Thirty-Fifth Day of the Tool Man

Hiiragi Eiji waited quietly for a few minutes, and after making sure that there were no more footsteps outside the door, he slowly relaxed. Take a breath.

Hiiraeiji was about to call out Zero's name, but as soon as the beginning of the pronunciation passed through his mouth, he suppressed it. It wasn't safe here, and of course he shouldn't and couldn't call Zero by his real name.

At this moment, Rei Hiratani's hand grasped the doorknob. He did not look back, but whispered: "Let's go."

Hiiragi Eiji He didn't react for a moment. It wasn't until Rei Furitani opened the door first and walked out that he slowly followed Rei. Before walking out of the door, Hiiragi Eiji carefully moved his shoulders.

Zero’s acting skills are really good. If it weren’t for his realistic performance, Gin would not have left so quickly.

Hiiraeiji is not sure whether his doubts have been completely dispelled, but judging from the speed of his departure, there is a high probability that there will be no problem.

...The only shortcoming is that his shoulder was a little painful from being poked just now, but that is not Ling's fault, but that he not only gave himself a fever for the realistic performance, but also suffered from the previous I twisted my shoulder during the mission.

Thinking of this, Hiiraeiji wanted to sigh. Although he looks thin and frail on the outside, he is really good because of the wood escape cells in his body. Although his wood escape cells were removed by changing the world system, it was completely reproduced and he still has wood escape. Cells of physical fitness.

This also makes it really difficult for him to make himself sick...

The world is really unpredictable. In the past, he was afraid Injured and afraid of getting sick, because every time he gets injured or sick, the wood escape cells in his body will further wreak havoc, but there are too many things for him to take care of. In the new world, he really wants to get sick, but he has worked hard for so long to get it. The results.

Just when he had the urge to sigh, he looked up and found that Rei Fangtani, who had walked out of the door before him, was looking back at him quietly.

...Oh no! You must have seen how he secretly moved his shoulders just now!

Sure enough, when Hiiraeiji carefully observed Fangtani Rei's expression, he found that the dark-skinned young man's expression suddenly became tense. He seemed to be clenching his teeth, and the lines on his face were slightly changed. The change.

"This injury——!" Hiiraeiji subconsciously wanted to explain. He wanted to tell Zero that this was not his problem.

But the other party seemed to have predicted his prediction and walked forward without saying a word.

Because there was no way to confirm the safety of the corridor, Hiiraeiji's voice was deliberately lowered. He had no choice but to follow him out of the room. But after coming out, he can only be the cold Arashi Uchiha Eiji.

Hiiragi Eiji didn’t know where Rei Furitani was taking him, so the two of them kept a certain distance all the way. Even when they met colleagues who were traveling through the base, they all had taut faces. The two people with expressive faces did not attract much attention from others.

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