It seems that the organization is still suspicious and has begun to suspect internal employees. However, there are no clues to them yet. However, it has once again increased its precautions against internal members and will only provide detailed information to Absolute Security. minority.

This is the price of delivering the news, Hiiraeiji thought silently.

Soon, Vodka drove his car to where the two were. After the car was stable, Hiiraeiji subconsciously walked behind the passenger seat and got into the car.

Zhu Fu Jingguang originally had this intention, but in the end he had no choice but to look at Hiiragi Eiji. The two outstanding graduates of the police academy naturally knew that the position behind the driver's seat was the safest place in the car. And Hiiragi Eiji is always the quickest to leave this safe position to him.

But Hiiragi didn't receive Zhu Fu Jingguang's complicated eyes. He had long been accustomed to this mode of thinking.

When he got in the car, Hiiragi subconsciously turned his attention to Gin in the passenger seat. This man had not raised his head since he and Jingguang got in the car. Instead, he was focused on sending and receiving emails quickly. The speed of the screen switching made Hiiragi Eiji once wondered if Gin had any special abilities.

Later, after thinking about how much Gin worked overtime, Hiiraeiji realized that this was just a habit.

...However, he had no way of peeking at the other party's screen to get any useful information, and he didn't dare to spend too long on getting in the car. In the end, he could only accept his fate and get in the car, completely giving up on Gin. Continue the dangerous practice of snooping for intelligence.

"How was the mission?" Gin took the time to ask after sending the last email.

"As expected." Hiiraeiji replied briefly.

Gin glanced at the two people in the back seat through the rearview mirror. Arrack and Scotch both looked out the window, both with indifferent postures.

"The new mission report will be sent out in three days. Before that, you and I will go to the base in Toyama County to wait for news." Gin ordered coldly.

Hearing Toyama County, Hiiraeiji slowly looked at Gin sitting in front of him, "Toyama County? New base?"

"It's the base closest to the mission location." Gin said.

Hiiragi Eiji has not been exposed to other forces in the organization since he got the wine name. His mission, this time, may be a precursor to his promotion, because the organization has begun to show him a broader map.

...I just don’t know if Jingguang has been to other bases before. Since Gin was in the car, Hiiraeiji had no way to observe the scenery around him. After all, he had been holding on to the cruel script of killing his partner for no reason.

Before dark, Vodka finally drove the car to the destination. As early as ten minutes ago, Hiiraeiji had already fallen into a stage of restlessness.

Because the car was traveling in an increasingly eccentric direction, it finally ended up on an uninhabited mountain road. Looking at the dark trees around him, Hiiragi Eiji's mood began to sink.

...How could it be so remote? Even the base they were in before was only built in the factory area and was far from the current scale - it didn't look like an area where other people were active.

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