Actually try for once

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Sans was just relaxing in the sofa like usual, while watching the TV because she's bored. She lazes around all day, until a rather interesting show was on the TV. It's about tips on how to be a good girlfriend.

"Heh, what's this?"

Usually, Sans doesn't care at all about these things, but she felt bored and it could be useful later, so Sans thought why not and started watching that particular show.

"Soo! Do you, want to be a girlfriend that your partner love so much???"

Sans scratches her back while watching, seemingly bored with it. But she got nothing else to do.

"Well, the first step is not to be lazy! Fun fact! 80% causes of break ups are because one of the partner is way too lazy! Lazy with the relationships and basic chores!(sources: I made it up)"

Sans heard it the first time, and she doesn't care at first and just changes the channel because she's bored. But as she thought about it more, she's scared that she'll lose her boyfriend, that has been taking care of her for the past one year.

"..maybe it's worth a shot."

A few moments later, the evening arrived. Y/N has just finished his work once more and is way more tired than usual, because of the things that happened in his office.

"..sans.. I'm home-"

"Welcome home babe. I've cooked dinner. Wanna eat?" Sans surprisingly said. Y/N's jaw dropped. The whole house was clean, there were no socks lying anywhere, The trash has been taken out, all the dishes are clean, and the most surprising one, Sans made dinner.

"Sans? Did something happen to you? It's unusual for you to make dinner, or even cleaning up." Y/N asked, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Sans grinned and giggled, like she just did something big.

"Well, I thought it'd make you happy."

Y/N face lights up and blushed lightly. Which is unusual, especially with Sans since she barely says anything romantic. So it's bizarre to see her act like this.

"..O-okay then let's eat dinner together." Y/N grabbed Sans' arm out of nowhere and went to the dining room. There were already delicious looking food on the table.

"Did you make this?" Y/N looked in shock at the foods. This definitely doesn't look like a premade food at all. It really looks like it's homemade. It was spaghetti Bolognese. Which looks like it could be made by Papyrus, but it definitely looks different.

Sans grinned once more. "Yup. Made it with love. So eat it well kay? Bone appetite." Sans casually said. The pun doesn't work at all though since she's not some skeleton. She's a human.

The guy blushed once more. He's really confused. What made Sans act like this? This is the first time sans acted like this ever since they first fell in love.

Nevertheless, the confused guy ate the meal Sans prepared. And well while it does taste delicious, it's not a jaw dropping meal or something. But y/n is definitely surprised she can cook well.

"Since when could you cook Sans?"

"I've been taking cooking lesson with Paps lately. Only spaghetti though." Sans giggled softly.

"You're the best, Sans."

'it was worth it to not be lazy for once after all.' Sans thought to herself while looking away to hide her red face.

"What made you act like this Sans? It's so unusual for you." The guy kept eating the spaghetti while asking Sans.

"Tibia honest, I just felt like it." Sans brushed it off. Again that pun doesn't work at all because she's not a skeleton.

"You might be a good liar, but we've been together for a year, and I can tell when you're lying." Y/N looked straight at Sans' face.

"I really can't hide anything from you huh? Well, I was just scared I'll lose you some day. But doing this is definitely tiring." Sans sighed and looked back at her boyfriend.

"Sans, I love you just the way you are, you know? I'll never leave you just because you're lazy."

Sans smiled brightly, which is unusual too. "Heh, thanks. I knew you'd say that. I love you, Y/N." Sans' smile looked so bright and soft, Y/N blushed one last time.

"I love you too Sans. You can keep up the good work though."

"Heh, I'll try."

My lazy girlfriend. Fem!Sans x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now