Looks like a Core Crystal... Is that the Omega Fetter...? i asked, yes. That's Ophion's control core, It was originally a conduit that I used to communicate with Ophion said Pyra as we felt something.

We have to hurry said Brighid, yes, you're right said Pyra as she turn into Mythra and Mythra walk to it. Well? Can you fix it? i asked, shut up said Mythra, I'm sorry... i said as Mythra fixing the Omega Fetter.

Then Mythra fix it and all good now, ...Mythra? i asked as Mythra nod. In that case... said Pandoria as she tell Genbu to do something and we felt something again, are we...rising? asked Morag.

All right! Prince, I've told Genbu to to resume circling the cloud Sea once he's done rising said Pandoria. Nice, looks like we made it after all said Zeke, oh! Great news! Phew, Tora was not look forward to becoming flat as Argentum Monkfish said Tora.

A job well done, eh? asked Nia, hey, Rex. You can remove that thing now said Pandoria as i nod and remove the Omega Fetter. As we walk outside and we heard someone voice, so it was hidden all the way out here... No wonder we couldn't find it said Akhos.

I'd just been wonder whether it was time to make an exit.. Thanks for saving me the trouble said Akhos. Lovely to see that tedious woman isn't here to get in our way this time! said Patroka, care to join me in a dance of death, Nia? asked Mikhail.

I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit said Nia, mean little girl said Mikhail. You've come for the Fetter, haven't you i said, perceptive, kid said Mikhail. Condescending much? It's not like there's anything else here said Nia.

You are SO mean said Mikhail, now, hand it over nicely...would be the classic line, but no, I'm not letting you escape with your lives. For Jin's sake said Akhos. Where are Jin and Malos, anyway? There are a few things I need to ask them said Mythra.

Frankly, I don't think they've got much interest in what you have to say said Akhos, sure about that? asked Mythra. Quite sure, yes said Akhos, not to interrupt the verbal sparring... But how do you plan on doing anything without your Blades? asked Zeke.

We're no pushovers, you know said Zeke. Oh, we're quite aware of that, we just don't need them, you see said Akhos. Explain yourself said Zeke as Akhos, Mikhail and Patroka show their own weapons.

Core Crystals?! said Zeke, They're Blades?! i said, Worse- Flesh Eaters... said Morag. Bravo! Very good! We've had many an interruption in the past...but here, that seems less likely, so let's go all out said Akhos.

You can try, but I assure you, we won't go down easy said Nia. I wouldn't have it anyother way, like i said, all out said Akhos. So you three are Flesh eater said someone as we know the voice, no way... y/n, you here on time said Nia.

That right and If you dare to attack my friends, you have to face me first said y/n as Akhos, Mikhail and Patroka took a step back.


We started fighting them and we beat them back, Inconceivable! How could we... said Akhos, These rats... said Patroka. Warned ya, didn't we? You mess with Thunderbolt Zeke, that's whatcha get, you brought this on yourselves said Zeke.

Anyway, this has gone on long enough, nighty night, chaps. Very much looking forward to interogating you later! Here I go! Bringer of Chao- said Zeke as Jin knock him over. Jin?! Where did he- said Rex.

Seems they don't call you "thunderbolt" for nothing, that's the first I've ever missed a vital point... said Jin. Hrk... You basterd! said Zeke as Jin move out of the way with his speed, Prince! said Pandoria.

Don't worry yourself... It's just a scratch, really... said Zeke, Jin, are you OK? asked Akhos. Relax, he's not made of glass said Malos, Malos?! said Mythra. Don't mind me, I'm just a spectator, he, on the other, insisted on coming here...to settle a score said Malos.

 Jin did? asked Mythra, correct, you will give me both the Omega Fetter and the Aegis said Jin. You just try and take 'em! I know you're strong... but there's no way we're giving Pyra or Mythra! said Rex.

You have power, boy, but words do little. If you know what you desire, you will have to show it... Not with words, but with your own strength! said Jin as have a new look on him. Is that Jin's true form?! said Rex.

What enormous energy...said Dromarch, there no change to ether energy of surroundings, that energy being emitted from interior of body said Poppi. Just like our Pyra, then? Where do they even keep all that energy? asked Nia.

How about all that rage energy he's got all pent up inside? asked Zeke, No, that's not it... It's... said Rex. Watch out, here he comes! said Morag, Jin! I shouted as he looked at me and my saw Core Crystal, your a Flesh Eater said Jin.

That right and I know the reason why you side with Malos, because of what happened to your driver i said as Jin launch himself at me, at the same times i turn my right sword around and counter Jin.

What?! shouted Malos, how? asked Jin, you see... you need to beat me first i said as I push Jin back.

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