And The Truth Comes Out

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I had just gotten out of my shower and I threw on a pair of blue sweatpants and crawled into my bed. I was scrolling through my phone when I heard a knock at my door. 

I looked towards the noise and saw Evelyn poke her head in. A smile spread across my face and she said, "Hey." 


"Can I come in?" She asked. 

I quickly nodded and she fully stepped into view. she was wearing an oversized white T shirt that read 'Eagles' across it, and a pair of navy sweatpants on. Her brace was placed over her sweatpants and her hair was wet so I was assuming she showered. 

She took a seat on my bed and her gaze met mine. She let her bad leg dangle off the side of my bed as she propped the other one up. She fiddled with her thumbs as she looked down and then looked back up at me. I softly smiled and said, "What's up?" 

I was getting a little nervous. Did someone hurt her? Did I hurt her? Did something happen- was it Carter? 

She cut my thoughts off by saying, "Do you remember the party after the Denver game?" 

I slowly nodded. Of fucking course I remember that night- best night of my life. 

She cleared her throat, and looked down before continuing, "Well- I uh- I do too." she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Her gaze met mine again and I froze. 

I didn't know what to say. She remembers that we kissed? Shit. Is she mad I didn't say anything. Oh no-

"And- I understand if it was a mistake I-" A mistake? The fuck? No no, it was most definitely not a mistake. 

She blabbered on but I didn't really hear what she was saying, I cut her off, "Sorry- do you think it was a mistake?" 

If she said it was- then it was. I was playing by her rules. Whatever she said goes. "Well no-" she began but I cut her off again, "Then it was most definitely not a mistake." 

She let out a breath and I smiled.

Her gaze dropped and then she looked at me and I scooted closer to her. Her head inclined a little to look up at me and I cupped her face in my hands, "Ev- I really really fucking like you. And- I guess I was scared to say anything because what if you didn't like me back but fuck- I like you. A lot." 

She looked at me and I held my breath- I gave her my heart and she had the chance to absolutely shatter it. But what she said was, "I like you too Grey." 

I smiled and said, "Thank fucking God." 

She chuckled a little and held my wrists with her hands. We just stared at each other and my gaze dropped to her lips, "Can I kiss you?" I whispered. 

She nodded. 

I smiled and pressed my lips to hers. I kissed her softly. It wasn't needy like the drunk one we shared. It was patient- sweet. She kissed me back and our mouths moved against one another. I smiled into the kiss and she kissed me again. 

When I pulled away, her face was flush and she was looking up at me. I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her waist and carefully lifted her up so I didn't hurt her leg and I laid down on my back with her in my arms. She wrapped her arms around me and I kissed the top of her head. 

"I want to take you out- tomorrow night." I murmured. 

She looked up at me and nodded with a smile. I gave her another short kiss and she laid her head back down on my chest. Holy shit- this was real. I told her I liked her and she liked me. For, really the first time in my life- I was with a girl I genuinely liked. 

I lifted her shirt up and placed my hand underneath. My hand met her bare back and her breathing hitched. Her skin was soft- warm. 

I started to run my fingers up and down her back and she hummed. I smiled. 

"Hey Ev?" I muttered. 


"Y'know- you're the first girl I have ever truly liked." 

She looked up at me and her eyes scanned my face. "Really?" She asked, her blue eyes softening. 

I nodded, biting my lip. 

She smiled and cupped my face, giving me a soft kiss. When she pulled way, she rested her forehead against mine and she licked her lips. I studied her through hooded eyes. 

She took a deep breath in and pulled away. She looked at me and said, "You're the first guy that has ever made me feel important." 

I blushed a little, not really knowing how to respond. How the fuck could anyone make her feel unimportant- she is the most special person ever. 

I lifted one hand up to her face and cupped the side of her face. I smiled at her and said, "Who? I want names." 

She chuckled and I bit my cheek to stop myself from laughing. 

"Nobody important." She whispered. 

True. Anyone who made her feel unimportant was truly not worth anything. 

We sat in silence for a couple seconds and she look liked she was contemplating something. 

"We have to tell Cal." She whispered. 

"I already did." 

She looked at me dumbfounded and said, "You told my own brother before me?" 

I bit my lip and said, "Sort of?" 

She sat up quickly, stradling me and my hands fell to her hips. She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at me. 

"My brother- knew that you liked me before I did?" 

I nodded, and swallowed. I felt really guilt now.

She huffed, turning her head to the side and I said, "Don't be mad." 

She looked at me and I softly smiled, tilting my head to the side. Her gaze softened and she muttered, "You're lucky your hot." 

I gasped and put one hand where my heart is and said, "Evelyn Wilder, do you only like me for my- my looks!" 

She bit her lip and smiled a little and shrugged, "Yeah.. why? Is there something else?" 

I fake frowned and shook my head, giving her a tsk. "I cannot believe you!" I said, dramatically. 

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in, "I guess there is something else.." 

I smiled and said, "Oh yeah? Like what?" 

She leaned in and whispered, "Your pretty good at hockey too." 

I scoffed and shoved her away playfully and she laughed. I smiled at her and wrapped her up in my arms again. 

She leaned into me and I planted a kiss on her lips again. The another, and then another. Just because I can now. 

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