The Film

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Three Weeks Later

"Okay easy, easy." My dad said as he helped me off my hospital bed.

I had just gotten surgery for my ACL and my parents had flown up to help me with my recovery. They have been up here for the past two weeks. 

I wince as I felt my left leg hit the ground. I held onto my dad's arm as I slowly stood up, careful to not bend or put too much pressure on my leg. But once I was standing, it wasn't so bad.

I was getting out of the hospital today and had a black brace around my knee and had to use crutches, but hey- at least I was out of this hell hole.

My mom handed me my crutches and I smiled at her.

"There you go champ," My dad said, patting my back.

I smiled at the nickname, it was the one he gave me sophomore year of highschool when I won my first ever trophy for ice skating.

"You all set honey?" My mom asked me.

I nodded.

"Okay, we are going to take off, we love you and we are five minutes away. We will be at your dorm tomorrow." She said, walking over to me and wrapping me up in her arms and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I nodded and waved as they walked out and Cal walked in.

"You ready sis?" He asked me.

I nodded and he smiled.

I had my surgery yesterday and had been here since. My friends had visited me, and Greyson held me in his arms while I cried. For some reason, I only cried when I was with him. I also really liked being held in his arms. 

This morning Ally, Blake, Reid, and Charlie had all brought me starbucks and a change of clothes, which I was ready to bow down to them for.

Theo still hadn't come by and it made me a little upset to know that one of my best friends, who was also my skating partner, didn't even make the effort to see if I was okay. He didn't even come by the house in the three weeks between when I first got hurt, and my surgery. 

But, my friends helped take my mind off of that by telling me the hilarious story of Charlie 'accidently' falling into a trashcan while trying to retrieve a donut.

"It's not even that funny." Charlie said, crossing his arms and hanging his head.

"Oh c'mon Charlie," Reid said, hugging him in one of his bear hugs.

A little after that my parents had arrived and talked to me, they were leaving soon since I had already had my surgery, but i was so thankful they stayed here for two week. I know it was hard to leave work for that long.

Cal and I made our way to the car and he helped me in. We drove back to the dorm and he helped me out and handed me my crutches. I made my way over to the staircase and looked up it. I sighed and took it one stair at a time. Once we finally got up to the dorm, I let out a breath.

"I don't think I can do that everyday." I mumbled.

"You're an athlete, you've got this." He said.

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. He unlocked the door and when we walked inside we saw pizza on the kitchen table and everyone was sat on the couch laughing at something on the TV.

Greyson was the first to notice me and he smiled before saying, "How are you?"

I smiled and said, "Better."

Bailey made her way over to me and I smiled and pet her on the head. She wagged her tail and I reached my palm out and she licked it. 

I looked back up at Greyson and he smiled at me. I went over to the table and sat down. Bailey followed and sat on the floor next to me. I grabbed a slice of pizza and the next thing I knew, they were all joining me.

I smiled at Reid as he slid in next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder to pull me into a hug. After eating I told everyone I was going to shower, so I went upstairs but Ally followed me.

"Hey." She said as she came into my room.

I smiled and said, "Hi whats up?"

She took out her camera and said, "Let's go through the photos."

I totally forgot. She hadn't even shown me them in the three weeks I had been home. I guess with everything that happened, that wasn't really a priority. 

I smiled with appreciation as my best friend sat on my bed. I loved how she could make me forget everything and feel normal or less upset. I nodded, propping my crutches up against the side of my bed and joining her on my bed, letting my bad leg dangle off to the side. 

We clicked through the photos leading up to the party.

There were a few pictures of me and our friends, until she separated from me at the party and they were mainly of her and Blake and some other people. But then we clicked on a video.

I smiled to myself as her and Blake were talking into the camera and Reid took it and filmed them. Then she took the camera back and started to walk while talking. You couldn't really hear what she was saying but it was still entertaining. She walked over to the pool table and started to film Charlie who was flexing in-front of the camera but that was not what caught my attention.

What caught my attention was behind him, I saw me and Greyson, inches away from each-other, with his arms around my body and mine around his neck. We looked like we were about to kiss and then- we fucking kissed.

I gasped in utter disbelief and paused the video and zoomed in on the back.

"Holy shit." Ally said, looking at me. 

I looked at her, eyes wide and then back at the camera. I took out my phone and took a picture. I studied it for several moments- double, triple checking it was us. And it definitely was. 

"Oh no." I said. 

"Why oh no? He is so hot Ev! I've been tell-" I cut her off, "No- not oh no, like this is a bad thing. Oh no because he asked me the next morning if I remembered anything and I said no!" 


I nodded. I felt so bad. We kissed- like fully kissed and he hoped I would remember it the next morning and I didn't. No wonder he looked hurt at the table. Ugh! 

Fuck. Me. 

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