The First Day

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I woke up to the ringing of my alarm. I groaned and rolled over to pick up my phone. I checked the time, 6:30 am. Fuck me.

I sighed, running a hand across my face, rubbing my eyes. When I re opened them, I let them adjust before I slowly sat up. I lifted the covers off me and sat up straight, reaching my arms out to stretch. I let out a yawn before getting up and making my way to my bathroom. 

Today was the first day of pre-season training. And that thought alone was the only thing getting me out of my comfy-incredibly-expensive bed, that my stupid rich best friend bought for me as a birthday present. 

Once I reached the bathroom, I flipped on the light and looked in the mirror. I grimaced at the sight of my toussled hair and heavy under eye bags. Going out last night probably wasn't the best idea. 

I washed my face and got my hair back into a slick back ponytail. After brushing my teeth, I changed into a pair of maroon leggings and some soft socks. I put on a white sports bra and my boston college jacket ontop. I slid on my uggs and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. 

I walked out into my kitchen and saw my best friend, Allie, asleep on our couch. I assumed she got home last night because she was still in her skinny black dress she decided to go out in last night. We didn't leave together because she met some guy she wanted to stay with when I told her I was leaving. Normally I wouldn't leave her alone at a party, but I was tired and knew I had training the next day, plus my brothers whole hockey team was there.

I chuckled to myself and dropped my bag next to the kitchen counter. I poured a glass of water for her and left it on the table next to her.

I then made some bacon and left extra coffee in the pot for her when she wakes up.

Normally I would be going to practice with my skating partner, Theo, whom I also lived with, except he wasn't up yet.

One could wonder how three sophomore college students managed to afford a three bedroom dorm that also had a whole living room and kitchen, and the simple answer is Allies rich ass daddy. He divorced her mom when she was eight and still feels terrible about it, so he gives her money that could last her a lifetime. So along with this apartment, she also has a sweet Range Rover that her and I share. Well, technically I use it more than her because she is friends with some girls in the sorority house down the road, so they always drive her anywhere. Plus, my classes are normally earlier in the day, so we never really need to use it at the same time. 

Allie has been my best friend since senior year of high school. She was easily the prettiest girl in school with her dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She was the captain of the cheerleading squad since sophmore year and barely spoke two words to me. It wasn't until she got dumped by her extremely douchbag of a boyfriend, Tate Smith, the quarterback, that all of her friends then dropped her. I felt pitty for her, and so at a homecoming party, I went over to her and started to talk about sharks of all things. She was totally clueless as I rambled on and on about how sharks have no bones, but it led to us talking for hours and every weekend since that staurday we were inseperable. One time, when my skating partner of four years, Josh Kaplan, who was also my boyfriend, cheated on me, she went along with my brother and his friends and helped beat him up and wreck his car. 

Even though she was only 5"2, she was one firey girl who always had my back. So, when she found out that she got accepted into BC and I got the phone call, we were estatic and immeditaely began to plan out our dorm room we would share together.

Theo, on the other hand was a complete suprise. On the first day of my freshman year I met him in my buisness class. Neither of us could have expected that three weeks later we would be eachothers skating partners. So, instead of him living off campus and a total of thirty minutes away, Ally and I got a new dorm with an extra room and askdd him to live with us. There were several time when people assumed me and him were dating, and I mean I don't blame them. He is an attractive man. He has Jet black hair and dull blue eyes and even though he isn't built as muscular as say, a hockey player, he is definetly as tall. Coming in at 6"4, and he may not look like it but he is strong as hell. He must be with how much he lifts me. And he is 100% a good partner, but im also 100% sure he is gay. 

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