Let's Talk

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 Avery walked out of the great hall quickly, trying to get back to the Slytherin common room before Theo did. Successful in her quest, she made it back before anyone else and started to shove her things into one of her trunks in the corner. She only had a couple more books to throw in when Theo walked in. "Thought I'd find you here."

"Leave me alone."

"Please, Avery. Can we please talk?"

Avery closed her trunk and moved her hair out of her face. She looked at the boy. "No."

She flicked her wrist and her trunk flew up. "Avery. I'm sorry okay! I'm really, really sorry. I do love you! In the beginning, I used you, I'll admit that. In the end, I fell for you, it didn't matter to me anymore who your grandmother was, or the connections you had. In the end, you mattered!"

Avery ran a hand down her face. Theo was blocking the door and she had to get out. Avery sat on his bed, her trunk still floating. "Sit, please." Theo smiled and sat next to the girl. "Theo, I love you, I do." She moved her hand up to his face, flicking her wrist slightly the door pushed open. "What you did though. That hurt, it hurt more than anything." slowly, her trunk moved out of the room. "But as much as it hurt me, it also made me realize, you're a Slytherin." She stood slowly. "You do whatever it will take to get what you want, and I can't fix that."

"What? Avery." Theo started to stand but Avery pushed him back down.

"I heard your conversation with my grandmother the day after we broke up." Avery started to back away from the boy. "You can't win me back Theo. I'm not a stupid, naive girl."

"I know you're not Avery!" Avery made it to the door.

"If you know what's best for you, you'll leave me alone. You won't come near me, you won't write to my grandmother. I'll still put in a good word, but you have to leave me alone."

Theo stood. "Avery please, don't leave me."

Avery took a shaky breath. "Goodbye." She closed the door and left the common room.

She found herself at her godfather's classroom and set her trunk down. "Shit." Her trunk from break was in the prefect dorm. "Okay, we all have rounds at 9, I can sneak in, get it."

By 9 Avery was in the 5th year prefect dorm. Her trunk sat at the end of her bed, and so did Lily. "Sit, Avery."

"I just came to get my trunk."

"And where will you be staying now? You and Theodore broke up, and you've been avoiding Ali and Piper, as well as Oscar and Jacob. You've been avoiding Mary, Marlene, Dorcas, and me as well. You wouldn't dare stay with the Marauders, so where else can you go, Avery?"

"I have a place."

"That old classroom? Avery, you will not be staying in a dirty old classroom! There's no bed or shower." Lily stood and walked towards Avery. The Ravenclaw took a step back.

"I can use the one in here, while you aren't here so I don't intrude."

"Avery! This is your room as much as mine! And you're not intruding! Avery, we're worried, we miss you."

Avery bit her cheek. "Stop. Stop saying you're worried. I was horrible to you all. I was horrible to you. You and the girls have been nothing but nice and then I went and said those horrible things. You shouldn't worry, you shouldn't miss me."

Lily let out a breath of frustration. "Avery stop! Stop mopping in self-pity, stop thinking that you're the only one who has done horrible things! Can you just shut up and listen? Really listen to what I'm saying!" Lily grabbed the girl's shoulders. "We miss you! We know that you were going through a hard time and then you had Nott manipulating you! It hurt yes but you were hurting too and though that doesn't excuse it it should make you understand that people say mean things when they're hurt!"

"Please Avery, don't run away again! Just stay and talk to us! Let us care about you!"

"Okay." Lily smiled and hugged the girl. Avery slowly followed.

"Now," Lily said pulling away, "Tell me about everything."

"You've missed a lot," Avery looked towards her trunk. "Want to take a walk?"

Avery and Lily walked towards the old classroom and Avery told her about the breakup, her godfather, staying with the Marauders. "James told me actually, that you were there. Said I should come see you cause something happened. I didn't think then was the time though."

"I don't think so either." The girls reached the classroom and went in. "How did you know I'd try staying here?"

Lily blushed, "I followed you here after class one day."

"It was going to be the room, the one we could all come to. But then the thing happened and I just needed my own place. It's crazy, that the room I chose was my godfathers."

"It couldn't have been a coincidence."

"There's no way it was though. I just opened a door and it was this one."

Avery levitated her trunk up. "Have you looked in any of the other rooms?" Lily asked, looking down the corridor.

"No. I don't even know why this would be the classroom he chose. All of the other professors chose ones closer to the great hall and common rooms."

"Maybe the classes used to be over here?"

"I guess, it's just, weird." Avery paused for a minute, "Maybe, since classes don't start for another day, we can all come down and explore?"

Lily smiled, "The girls would all love that. We can go see them right now, if you're up to it?"

"Let's drop this off first, then we can see them."

Lily's smile grew, "Perfect!"

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