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"Avery. Avery!" Avery sat up, her hair covering her face and her duvet half on the floor. "It's 8:45, if you don't get up now you'll be late!" Lily said while standing over the girl.

"I can easily get ready in 5 minutes, owl my grandma and ask," Avery said, laying back down.

"Aguamenti," water shot out of Lily's wand onto Avery who sat back up.

"What the shit."

"Come on Avery, we have to make a good impression on the younger years. Get up and make yourself presentable." Avery moved her hair, which was now soaking wet, out of her face and glared at Lily. "Oh come on, you're a witch. Tergeo." Avery silently got up after having the spell cast on her and went to her trunk to get her uniform.

"Couldn't have gotten me up normally?" She asked Lily.

"I did, then you laid back down."

"Where's the others?" Avery asked as she threw her pajamas into her laundry basket.

"Already downstairs, I told them I'd get you up," Lily replied, packing her bag with some class necessities.

"Right, let me brush my teeth and then we can go down." Avery moved to the bathroom connected to the dorm.

"Aren't you going to back your bag?" Lily asked moving into the bathroom as well.

"I'll come back before class starts, I don't want to bring books I don't need." Lily nodded thinking that was reasonable but also extra work. After Avery finished on her teeth she grabbed her wand and followed Lily down to the common room. "See that Lily? It's 8:52, you could have woken me up 5 minutes later than you did."

Lily rolled her eyes and went towards the coaches where the other prefects were. "You're not going to wake up 10 minutes before we leave every day right?"

"Depends on what time my first class is," Avery said with a shrug.

"Good, now that everyone is here we can start," Sylvia said. Lily looked over to Avery who in return shrugged. "Each of you will be given a floor and a partner from your year. Seventh-years, you'll each be alone on a floor. In total five people will be on one floor, two fifth-years, two sixth-years, and one seventh-year. You're assigned partner and floor will change each month. September's list is already pinned on the bulletin board. If you have any questions just ask Collin or me." After Sylvia gave her little talk everyone was excused and went to look at the list.

"Looks like we're together on floor seven this month Lily," Avery said looking towards the ginger.

"Wonderful! Let's go down to the great hall now, I'm starved." Avery nodded, following after Lily.

"Trying to leave us behind like old meat. Can you believe them, Remus?" Oscar asked, quicking his pace to catch up to Lily and Avery.

"They just don't like us anymore," Remus said, going along with the bit.

"I never liked you to begin with," Avery replied.

Remus opened his mouth to reply but decided not to. "He's not as bad as the others Avery, him and Peter are quite nice. It's Potter and Black that are horrible." Lily said.

"You know, Avery and James were friends before Hogwarts," Oscar said.

Lily stopped, turning to look at Avery. "You were not."

"She sure was," Remus said, smiling as he continued to walk with Oscar.

"Why did I not know this?" Lily asked, speeding up to catch Remus and Oscar. Avery stayed farther back not wanting to be around Remus. If she associated with him she'd have to associate with the other three. When they reached the great hall Oscar and Avery went left as Lily and Remus went right.

"So, how'd you sleep?"

"What is it, Oscar?" Avery asked, she could see through his question.

"How do you do that?" Oscar asked, watching as Avery covered a piece of toast with chocolate spread. Avery looked up giving him a look. "Right, so. Remus, he actually isn't too bad. He's a real good guy, not like Potter or Black."

"No, I already know what you're trying to do and my answer is no." Oscar had always been the friendly one in their group, he was always helping others and cheering people up no matter their house or family.

"Why do you have this vendetta against him and his friends?" Avery rubbed her palms against her eyes.

"They're arseholes, think they're so great cause they're in Gryffindor and think that because they're so popular they can go around doing whatever the hell they want. And Remus, now a prefect, is letting them. He probably won't do shit if they pull a prank. He'll probably join in."

"I think you have an obsession with the Marauders," Ali said as she sat down next to Avery. During her little rant, the other three had entered the great hall and made their way over to them.

"Oscars the one who brought them up," Avery said looking toward her toast.

"Sure, you're definitely not madly in love with them." Avery scowled and ignored Ali's comment, choosing to instead look for Flitwick so she could get her schedule and leave.

"I don't get why Dumbledore did the whole prefect common room," Jacob said looking toward Oscar. "I'm stuck with Trevor Pitt and James Ashby now."

"Oh right, forgot you had to share a dorm with those bugs," Piper said. "Hey, when's the first Hogsmeade trip?"

"Not for awhile, I think it's the third Saturday of the month," Oscar replied.

Avery shot up slightly as Flitwick walked towards them. She was ready to leave the great hall and get to her classes. "Here you go Ms. Dessen, congrats on making prefect by the way. I had a say but Dumbledore made the final decision."

"Thank you, professor." Flitwick smiled before continuing to hand out the other schedules. "What's your first class? I've got potions."

"Same here," Jacob said. Everyone else shook their heads.

"We've got muggle studies," Ali said, leaning back slightly on her bench.

"You're going to fall off if you do that! And why are you taking muggle studies? You're muggle-born." Piper said.

"Easy A," Ali said with a smirk.

"Well, have fun with that. I have DADA after potions, then Herbology, then Arithmancy, and then ancient runes. I'm going to get my bags, see you later." Avery picked up the rest of her toast and started her journey back to the common room. "Caviar and cigarettes well versed in etiquette extraordinarily nice, she's a killer queen gunpowder gelatine dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind, anytime." When Avery finally reached the prefect common room she saw Collin and Sylvia standing outside it.

"Will you listen to me, Collin? My parents would kill me okay? This isn't up for discussion."

"You're 17! You should be able to make your own decisions." Avery slowly walked backward to hide behind the column nearest her.

"That's not how it works! If you won't listen I'm leaving." Avery heard Sylvia walk towards her and she held her breath.

"Sylvia, wait please!" Sylvia walked by without noticing Avery and Collin followed seconds after.

"What the fuck was that about?" Avery asked herself. She pushed it off and went to the portrait. "Incendio." It swung open and she went up to her dorm to get her bag and books. "Okay, I have my potions book, DADA book, herbology book, arithmancy book, and run. Pens, parchment, notebook, and wand." Avery checked off everything she needed before grabbing her bag and starting her walk to the dungeon.

Should I be cleaning rn? yes

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now