Sylvia. Head Girl, Slytherin, Trapped

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Sunday morning Avery was hesitant to get out of bed. She was surprised that Lily had not come in to spray her with water yet. Looking at her clock one last time the girl finally got up and dressed. It was starting to get colder at Hogwarts so Avery grabbed a jumper and some athletic shorts. Deciding this was good enough she pulled on her shoes, brushed her teeth, and left the dorm.

"Geez Avery, did you even look at your hair? You look like shit." Ali said as the girl sat at the Ravenclaw table for lunch.

Avery grumbled, filling her plate with shepherd's pie. "So, what's your plan for today?" Piper asked.

"Homework, have to write to Gran too," Avery replied, her mouth full.

"Manners Avery, please," Jacob said, a look of disgust evident on his face.

"Avery," The girl looked up, "Mind if we talk after lunch?" Oscar asked.

"Sure." To everyone's surprise, she didn't seem upset after what happened yesterday.

"Hello everyone, Avery, glad to see you up. Is your headache better?" Lily asked, sitting at the table.

"Yeah, sorry for leaving you on patrol alone last night."

"It's fine, nothing exciting happened. The girls and I were wondering if you wanted to study with us today?" Lily asked, looking towards the three girls.

"We'd love to, when were you thinking?" Piper asked.

"1 pm in the library. We'll be by the potions section."

"Wonderful, see you then," Piper said smiling. Lily smiled and gave Avery a concerned look before leaving back to the Gryffindor table.

"Ready Oscar?" Avery asked as she finished the last of her lunch.

"Yeah, let's walk." Avery nodded, following Oscar out of the great hall.

The two walked around the first floor, watching as students ran around. "I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I wasn't thinking and I was, I don't even know. I shouldn't have said that. I just, I wish you would talk to us about this, about what's wrong."

"It's fine Oscar, I overreacted. I just went to my room and punched my pillow, pretending it was your face."

"Okay, well, I don't want to cause more problems. But Remus said he ran into you and some stuff happened."

"He was being annoying, that's all. Anyway, it's fine, I'm fine."

"You promise?" Oscar held out his pinky.

Avery rolled her eyes but smiled, "I promise." She hooked their pinkies together, giving them a small shake before letting go. "I'm gonna go now, I've got homework to finish."

Oscar nodded, heading in the other direction so he could meet with the Marauder's who he'd grown close to in the last day.

Avery walked back to the prefect common room to grab her bag. After grabbing her books and papers she ran into Sylvia. "Oh, hello Sylvia."

"Hey, Avery. Can I ask you for some advice?"

"Yeah, what do you need?" Avery sat next to Sylvia on the couch, waiting for the girl's question.

"Have you been in a relationship?"

Avery was taken back slightly, "No, I haven't."

"Why? You're pretty, top of your class, you're talented in many ways. Why haven't you?"

Avery knew why she didn't date. Her grandma had a whole plan for her future, which included future relationships. "I don't know, never had anyone like me."

"I know that's not true, Alex Smith liked you last year, he asked you out and then sulked in the common room when you said no." Avery bit her cheek. "You come from a pureblood family, just like me. Is it because of that?"

"Are you asking me this, because your parents won't let you date someone?"

Sylvia looked at her hands. "They don't know. They don't know that Collin and I are together. They're trying to get me to marry some bloke from Durmstrang when I graduate. They would never let me and Collin be together, they were upset when they found out he'd be head boy." Sylvia started to cry. "I love him, but my parents won't let us be together because he's not a pureblood and he's not a Slytherin."

"Oh, Sylvia." Avery scooted closer to the girl, wrapping her arms around her.

"What do I do, Avery?"

The Ravenclaw thought for a second, "How old are you?"

"I'm 17, turned it the day we started school."

"You're of age, you could move in with Collin after graduation, get a job. You're an adult now, Sylvia. You make your own decisions."

"They won't let me though, even if I'm of age."

"Then you go to the ministry, they can't make you do this. If you need to, run."

"I'm not brave, Avery. I can't do that."

Avery smiled at the girl. "You don't have to be brave. If you love Collin, that should be enough."

The two girls sat by the fire for some more time, Sylvia explaining to Avery what her parents were like, and Avery trying to convince Sylvia to talk to Collin about what was going to happen after graduation. "Well, I best be letting you go," Sylvia said as the clock got closer to 1 pm.

"Right, I was going to meet some friends to study." Avery stood up and looked back at Sylvia. "To be honest, the real reason I don't date, my gran has my whole future planned out. From my job to my future husband. Sylvia, don't make the mistakes I have and let your parents walk over you. If you love Collin, you'll make the sacrifice. Even if that means cutting off your family."

Sylvia nodded, "You should take your own advice, Avery. Don't lose yourself because of your grandma."

Avery smirked, "It's not too bad. Besides, I'm already too far gone." She said jokingly. She picked up her bag, looking back to Slyvia before walking out of the common room and to the library.

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