The Corridor

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Avery walked down an abandoned corridor, trying to find an empty classroom for her and the girls to meet in later. They would meet in Gryffindor Tower but then the Marauders would come and annoy them. They'd go to Ravenclaw Tower and the same thing would happen due to Oscar letting them in. Finally, Avery had come up with the idea to just use an old classroom. She didn't understand why there were so many classrooms when there were so few subjects but she just assumed it was due to them having to put something there.

Avery came to a stop and wrote down on her paper that she would be turning left. She turned and started down the corridor but stopped again as she thought she heard someone crying. She took out her wand, "Lumus." Slowly she inched forward, the sound grew louder and she pointed her wand towards the floor. Slightly pointing out behind a collum was a pair of feet. She walked closer to the pillar. She stopped and then jumped in front of the person.

"What the fuck!" The voice belonged to a boy but due to the light coming from Avery's wand, neither of them could see. The boy kicked his leg out and hit Avery in the shin.

"Shit!" Avery bent down and held her shin as the boy stood to run. "Stop! I just want to help!" Avery jumped forward and grabbed the boy, falling onto him.

"Get off of me you psycho!"

"Stop struggling! I just want to talk!" The boy continued to struggle as Avery moved to straddle him. She grabbed her wand and brought it closer to them. "Regulus Black?"

"Avery Dessen?" The boy- Regulus- stopped struggling.

Avery got off of him and moved to sit against the wall. Regulus hesitated but followed and sat next to her. "Why were you crying?"

"Straight to the point are you?"


"Well, I wasn't. I was practicing."

"For what?"

"A club."

"What club?"

"I don't think that's any of your business."

"I don't think that's any of your business," Avery said, mocking the 4th year. "Don't lie Regulus. What happened."

Regulus sighed and rubbed the palms of his hands against his eyes. "I'm sure you've heard about my parents. If not from Sirius then at least from the many rumors that float around."

Avery did know about Regulus' parents, she'd met them during balls and she could say that they were horrible people. "What happened?"

"Sirius ran away during break. To the potters. My parents didn't take it well and, it just hasn't been too good recently. I know me and Sirius haven't been close since before school but he was my anchor at home. He didn't even say goodbye to me Avery, and when I see him he doesn't even look at me."

"So it's been a build-up of feeling like you've been left behind."

"Yes, but I got a letter from my parents today and, it wasn't good, not at all Avery. I just can't deal with this, with them. I used to try and talk to Sirius, he used to semi-listen. Now he won't even answer my owls."

Avery scooted closer to the boy and put her arm around him. "If you ever need to talk Regulus, all you have to do is owl me. I'll be there in a second."

Regulus looked at the girl and nodded. "Thank you, Avery. If you ever need to talk to someone about your family problems you can talk to me. At least then you'd have someone who understands what you go through."

Avery went silent. "I don't know what you're talking about Regulus. I'm perfectly fine with my family. I don't have any problems with that."

"Oh, Sirius must have gotten the wrong person then. I remember he was talking to someone through the flu network and I thought I heard your name. I probably misheard. But honestly, if you ever need to talk to anyone owl me."

"I will, thank you Regulus. I hope everything turns out okay for you." Regulus gave the girl a quick smile and got up, leaving Avery to her own thoughts.

After a couple of minutes, Avery stood and started her walk down the corridor again to find a classroom. She walked for another minute before stopping in front of an old oak door. Slowly she opened the door. The room was dark and dusty, the floor setup reminded her of the DADA room but the walls were covered in old posters and paintings. The posters and paintings had a variety of subjects, all relating to subjects at Hogwarts. She closed the door behind her and walked towards the windows which were hidden behind long curtains.

Avery pulled the curtains down before letting go and watching them fly upward. She looked out at the landscape and saw she was looking out on the forbidden forest. She turned to look at the room again since it was now filled with light. She smiled, the room was entrancing to her with its filled walls. She walked up the levels, dragging her hand on each table. Dust swarmed off of it as she moved her hand. She reached the top and examined the objects that lined the shelves. It varied from potion books and supplies to muggle objects and books on healing.

Slowly she made her way back down and went towards the staircase that led to the office. She reached the door and tried to push it open but it stayed in its place. Getting out her wand she pointed it towards the knob. "Alohomora." She heard the lock click and she pushed on the door again. This time it opened. Avery walked into the room which was already filled with light, the window had not been covered. The office was filled with objects, just like the class. Avery made her way towards the desk and sat down, causing dust to fly around her.

She surveyed the desk and saw framed moving pictures, framed newspaper articles, and knick-knacks. She picked up one of the framed newspaper clippings, "August 23, 1957. New teacher to start at Hogwarts." Avery looked at the picture, the man looked young and smiled brightly as he held onto a woman. Avery smiled and placed the picture down. She looked around the walls of the room, freezing when she looked at the clock that hung there. "No, oh no!"

Avery looked at her watch and saw the time on the clock was correct. She jumped out of the chair and ran down to leave the classroom. She slammed the door behind her and got out the paper so she could find her way out of this maze. 

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz