Great Hearing

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The Marauders had lost track of time. After getting back from Hogsmeade the four had gone up to the Gryffindor common room to put away their newly bought items. "You can leave your stuff here if you want, Remus, then you can come back after dinner," James suggested.

"It's fine, we're gonna pass the prefect dorms anyway," Remus said. The boys finished putting their things away before walking down to the prefect common room. "I'll be back in a minute," Remus said to the group as he walked into the common room. He walked up to his dorm, opening the door to enter. Instantly a look of wonder made its way to his face. He walked to where the brown bag sat on his bed.

He peered over to look at what was in it and was surprised to see it was filled with chocolate frogs. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked around for a note or card. Deciding to just ask one of his dormmates after patrol he set down his bag and went to go meet his friends.

"Took you long enough," Sirius said jokingly.

"Sorry, got distracted," Remus said as they started to walk.

"Is it because of the last full moon?" Peter asked.

"No, someone left a bag of chocolate frogs on my bed."

James and Sirius looked at each other, a smirk making its way onto each boy's face.

"Moony's got a secret admirer!" Sirius exclaimed.

"I do not. There wasn't even a note, one of the boys might have just left it there by accident."

"I doubt it. You have plenty of admirers, Moony." James said. Remus shook his head, smiling at James' words.

"Is that Avery?" Peter asked as the boys got closer to the great hall. Remus squinted, walking towards the boys, her head down, was Avery.

"It is, why's she leaving the great hall? Dinner started 15 minutes ago." Sirius said.

"Hey, Avery," Remus said as the girl walked by. The Ravenclaw ignored the boy, keeping her head down. Remus looked over to his friends after Avery had passed. "I think she was crying."

"Avery doesn't cry. Not even when we were kids. How would you know anyway?" James asked.

"One word James. Werewolf." Remus tapped his ears. "I'm gonna see if she's okay."

"You'll miss dinner though. And the full moon was a couple of days ago, you need to eat." Peter argued.

"My patrols in the dungeons, I'll stop with Oscar." Remus backed away from his friends. "I'll see you later." Remus turned to walk after Avery before any of his friends could argue with him.

Remus was able to catch up to Avery quickly due to his long legs. "Hey."

Avery looked over to Remus before looking back down. She quickly wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her jumper. "Shouldn't you be at dinner?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Remus said, slowing his strides to keep her pace.

"Wasn't hungry, and I have to work on that potions essay."

"Then why is your voice so raspy, and your eyes red?" Avery stopped and turned to look up at the boy.

"It's not. You just have poor hearing and eyes," Avery said, her voice slightly cracking.

Remus gave her a sad smile. "What's wrong, Avery?"

"Nothing, nothing is wrong." The girl locked eyes with Remus, turning her head away as soon as it happened. "Everything is great."

"Then why won't you look at me?"

"Because your face gives me nightmares," Avery replied.

Remus laughed. "Come on Avery, I'll leave you alone as soon as you give me a true answer."

Chocolate Toast, Remus LupinKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat