A Letter From Gran

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Avery ran her finger from the top of Theo's face to his chin and then back up. "Are we just going to lay in bed all day? With you doing this?"

"I can stop if you want."

"No, I like it, I thought you had a meeting with Slughorn though. And I was thinking, we could sneak off later tonight, I could take you on a romantic date?"

Avery smiled. "I'd like that. You're right too, I do have a meeting with Slughorn. He's thinking about giving me extra work to advance my skill."

"Aren't you a smarty pants."

Avery stuck out her tongue and started to get ready.

"Each week I'll give you a potion, at the end of the week you should have it mastered, with a six-inch essay and you will recreate it here in front of me."

Avery nodded, fixing her eyes on the shelf behind Slughorn.

"I will give you your first one today, have it ready by next Sunday. Your potion this week is an aging potion."

Avery nodded again and stood, "Thank you, professor. I'll see you in class on Tuesday."

"See you then Avery."

Avery slowly made her way to the great hall for lunch. Theo had yet to arrive but Thomas had. "Hey, Thomas."

"Hey Avery, waiting for Theo?"

"Yup, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't gotten out of bed yet."

"I wouldn't either." Avery started to fill her plate as Thomas talked about his most recent date. She stopped as an owl dropped a letter on her plate.


"You okay A?"

"Yeah, just a letter from my Gran. I'll open it after lunch. Keep on telling me about Teresa." Thomas kept talking about Teresa, and Avery sat and ate, occasionally putting in an opinion.

Finally, Thomas had to meet Lucius and Avery decided she couldn't put off opening her Grans letter anymore. Avery walked to one of the old classrooms that were closer to the great hall and she went in.


I am very disappointed to hear that you have not only been skipping classes but that you also have let your grades slip. I have heard from some of your teachers that your scores on exams were in the high 90's or 100's, now they are low 90's. It maybe those friends that you keep and I hope you consider finding new ones. I will think further about letting you spend Spring holiday with the Evony family and their guests. I would like to meet with you and Theodore on the third of April next week. Let him know so you may both dress nicely. I will see you both in the three broomsticks at 7 pm.

Get your scores up or there will be consequences, Millicent Bagnold

Avery crumpled up the letter and took out her wand. "Incendio." She watched to make sure the fire went out after the paper had burned and then left.

At midnight Avery and Theo snuck down to the Black Lake. "Is this really where we snuck to?"

Theo pulled Avery along farther. "No, I promise I'm not that dull. This, is just how we'll be getting to the destination." They stopped in front of a dock and Avery eyed it suspiciously.

"It looks like it's going to collapse."

"It's not, I promise." Theo pulled her out towards the boat tied to the pillar. He helped her step in and then followed. "I know of this place, it's just across the lake."

As they reached the other side of the lake Avery could make out a small clearing in the woods. Theo helped Avery off, covering her eyes with his hands. Slowly they made their way to the clearing and Theo removed his hands, revealing a picnic.

Avery turned to smile at him. "This is really sweet Theo."

"I try." The two sat together and chatted, and the conversation eventually made its way to Avery's grandmother.

"She owled me today. She wants to meet with us next week, on the third."

"Oh, okay."

"It's nothing bad, I'm sure. She probably just wants to catch up and chat with you."

"I hope. She holds a lot of power in the ministry and I don't want to have that hurt my chances for the future."

"Please, she loves you. If anything, us being together is helping your chances."



Theo moved his hand up to Avery's cheek, "You're amazing Avery, beautiful, smart, kind. Just, amazing. That's why I love you."

Avery went still. "You love me?"

"It's okay, you don't have to say it back. But I thought you should know. You've become everything to me, Avery. I just thought you should know."

"I- I love you too, Theo. I just, I wasn't expecting you to say it."

"Well, I'll be saying it a lot more now." Avery smiled and Theo kissed her. Slowly, his hand moved from her face to her hip. Moving her hands to his neck Avery brought him closer. He slowly pushed her against the blanket and moved to straddle her. "Is this okay?"

Avery nodded and brought his lips back to hers. She moved her lips from his and started to kiss his neck. "Avery, you're killing me here." The girl giggled and moved back to kissing him.

Theo moved his hand down to her dress, sliding it up. Avery stopped him. "Not today." The boy nodded. Avery looked up at him and smiled. Quickly, she moved so that Theo was under her.

"Where'd you learn to do that?"

"Books." Avery moved to kiss him but stopped. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear wh-" Theo stopped. In the distance, a howl could be heard. Avery looked up at the moon. It was full.

"We have to go," Avery said, standing to leave.


"Theo, trust me. I'll tell you more in the boat but we have to go right now."

"Okay, I trust you, Avery." The pair picked up the picnic and moved to the boat, pushing off the dock as soon as they sat.


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