Chapter 49: New Resolves

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"Ama!" He cried, running down the crater side to make his way to her. He placed his hand in front of her nose, feeling for her breath, which lightly tickled his finger. "Chopper!" He called his ship's doctor.

"On it!" The reindeer joined, taking assessments of the girl's injuries. After a few painfully tense minutes, he spoke. "She's in really bad shape. I need to get her to the Sunny to take care of her, or else she won't make it through the day." He explained, looking for something to use to carry the redhead to the ship.

Seeing a large crate lid, he ordered Sanji and Zoro to use it to carry her back to the ship carefully. As they passed the others, Nami's tears were cascading down her face as she and Robin held hands for comfort. Usopp and Franky were no better as they too also had tears and snot on their faces. Chi stayed on top of Zoro's head the whole time, watching in horror as her best friend was carried for treatment.

Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy were silent the whole time. The chef and swordsman carrying her as Luffy and Chopper walked on either side of their makeshift stretcher.

Luffy carried Ama's things that she left folded on the ground. He didn't know what happened to her, but he hadn't seen her take off his brother's and his gifts since she got them. It was a first, and he hated it since that meant she knew she was going to be injured.

Yes, he was an oblivious idiot at times, but even he would notice an important detail like this if it was about her. Knowing her, she wouldn't tell him even if he asked her, but there was one thing he knew for sure. She did it for them.

Sanji and Zoro weren't much better. They were both wracked with guilt, thinking that they should have been the ones to take the pain. Even if she was so insistent, they should have convinced her otherwise, so she wouldn't be as injured as she was now.

Sanji glanced at Luffy to see how he was doing. He would keep his promise to Ama for keeping an extra eye on him while she couldn't currently do it herself.

Zoro was focused on keeping one foot in front of the other as he carried the front half of the stretcher. He could feel the cloudfox on his head along with his damp hair from both her tears and sweat from Zoro's ordeals. He wanted to comfort her as she was currently doing to him by being there, but both of his hands were occupied carrying the stretcher.

Everyone else followed behind the small group as they all headed to the Thousand Sunny.

When they arrived at the ship and into sickbay, Chopper took over by starting to clean her external wounds and stop the bleeding. He told everyone to wait outside as he worked both for the girl's privacy and his sanity. He wouldn't be able to focus with so many pairs of eyes on him.

As the others waited they went different places. Sanji went to the kitchen to start on a meal, knowing that the others would be hungry and so would Ama-chan when she woke up.

Luffy went to sit on the figurehead of the ship, overlooking the small sea captured within the island.

Zoro, sat on the deck and rested against the railing as he waited for news on the swordswoman.

Franky found Ama's air board on deck, dented. Needing some time to take his mind off of things, he took it to his shop to start fixing it. He was also impressed by this invention of hers, finding her talents to always be surprising when she showed a new one.

Usopp decided to join the cyborg, wanting to think of new ways to improve his own weapons, so his friends would never end up in a state like this again.

Robin grabbed an archaeology book, reviewing it since she had planned on it to be your next lesson.

Nami sat next to her at the table, stirring her drink with a straw. She was lost in memories with Ama, especially the times that she would make money jokes.

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