Lesson For Life || 09

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a/n: just wanted to say a little something 😓

imagine this tae and jimin>>>>

imagine this tae and jimin>>>>

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students laughed, and they still do, although it's just faint giggles and whispers here and there. but it is there. lily can hear it all, their words, the mocking laughters and the jokes that are circulating among her classmates while she slowly gets up from her seat. the girl next to her lowers her head too, but lily catches the lift of her cheek muscles as she laughs silently while looking down.

the teacher towers over her small height, glaring at her as though she stole her car. her hand lifts up, making lily flinch and shut her eyes close, waiting for an impact of the hit, which never comes. however, she's forced to stumble to the side when it pushes her away from her seat, earning more laughs from her classmates. she holds a friend's desk for support, looking back at the teacher, who's now picking up her bag and tosses its contents over on the floor.

there are books, notebooks, lily's pencil case and even the lunch. the lid of the tiffin box opened and the special cutlets and strawberries spilled on the dirty floor. tears leave her eyes, staring, as her teacher checks the front pockets of her bag as well, making sure that she wasn't hiding her notebook there if she possibly could. on not finding anything other than a key chain, a chocolate and a pack of sharpies, the teacher turns to face lily again with a strict glare.

"where is your homework?"

"i told you didn't bring it." lily mumbles, "i wasn't lying, miss. i forgot it at home..."

"stop crying." the woman yells, grabbing the little girl by her upper arm and drags her to the front of the class, hearing a few gasps and giggles from the class. "quiet everybody! if i hear any noise, i'm gonna make you take the punishment with her! who else didn't bring their homework?"

nobody raises their hand and the teacher looks at lily, "see? they all completed their homework and submitted their notebooks. they're responsible and good students, unlike you. do you even want a future or not? because with this behaviour, i can guarantee you that you're not getting anywhere! always making up stories and playing around! did you write an essay on your best friend last week? no, instead it was some dogs! do you think writing about dogs as your best friends will give you attention, lily? it's ridiculous, if you ask me. and then you had the audacity to come and ask why i deducted marks." she grits out, ignoring the sobs coming from lily, her hands clenched on her sides and head hanging low.

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