Chapter 14: What the Heart Wants

Start from the beginning

It was true to some extent.  A little scuffle between her and her dad occurred every once in a while.  As long as she kept to herself and did everything right, she was in the good zone.   But if something ticked her dad off about her or anything, especially because Kyoko left, Kaede would get beat.  Whenever, Kyoko was mentioned, Kaede was left taking the harsh beating of both words and actions.  

But now that she has been pestering her parents about letting her go to Kaibara high, she has been pissing her father off more and more.  Thus getting pushed around a bit harder.  If only the application didn't need a guardian signature or a quick meeting with the parents, she and her friends wouldn't need to go through such lengths to getting permission. 

"Okay....I understand.  Please tell me if there is anything I can do in the meantime."  Chizu whispered as she rubbed Kaede's back soothingly. 

Hearing her friend comforting her, Kaede smiled and tightened her hold. "Hm...I will tell you and Amy.  But for now let me enjoy this hug for a bit longer."


"Don't tell Amy that I cried."  Kaede wiped her eyes and stuffed her tissue into her pocket. Chuckling, Chizu ruffled Kaede's hair and nodded in agreement. 

"Don't worry, I'll just tell her that things were a bit rough for you and that you'll come to talk to us when you're ready.  You promised"  Chizu smiled as she waved her hand back, motioning that it was her stop. 

Nodding her head, Kaede bit her lip and grabbed onto Chizu's wrist.  "I don't like talking about it much, but I feel like I owe you just this bit of information.  I have some family problems going on, but things will settle soon, okay?" 

Widening her eyes, Chizu was about to say something but held it back.  

"Okay, I got it....Amy and I will always be here, you know?"  

"Yes, thank you....And I am always here for you too."  Kaede said as she pulled her friend in for another hug.  

"Of course, that's what friends are for.  Now go along and relax!" Chizu turned around and bid her friend behind.  As Kaede watched her leave, she turned around and started walking to the usual meeting spot with the Sohmas.  


"Those little fuckers...."  Chizu cussed as she walked home, her blood boiling and wanting to do something about whatever was happening.  But she had no right or place to interfere, it was Kaede's family after all.  

With a sigh, Chizu ruffled her own hair and grit her teeth in annoyance.  

"I'll fucking make my parents agree to send me to Kaibara and then I'll make sure Amy and Kaede do too."  


"Oh hey! Kaede you're finally here!  You took longer than I thought!"  Shigure called out as he noticed the girl entering the park.  In response she waved, but as she drew near the trio noticed something a bit off with her and underneath her eyes were a bit red and puffy. 

"Oh my god!! What happened to your beautiful face Kae-san!!" Ayame shouted before getting nudged in the gut by Shigure.  Smiling, Kaede waved it off. 

"A bit of dust got into my eyes as I was walking here.  Don't worry about it." 

"Are you sure--ack" Ayame coughed as he was shoved away by Shigure and Hatori tugged on him to sit down and shut up.  Looking at them, Kaede smiled in relief that the two picked up that she didn't want to talk about it.  Something that she liked about them was that they respected her personal life and space, and she respected theirs.....Except Ayame who sometimes was a bit too intrusive. 

"I'm sure. Thanks for worrying but I'm great. Now, what game were you guys playing?  I want to try."  Kaede grinned as she sat down next to Ayame and looked at the cards and little figures on the ground with interest. 

"I'm glad you asked! Now look closely Kaede this is our new game!"  Shigure cheered as he grinned playfully and showed the girl the new parts and rules to the new game. 

"Oh I see! That sounds like fun, so who goes first."  Kaede smiled as she washed away all of her previous feelings and only focused on having fun with her friends.  

"The person who wins at rock paper scissors."  Hatori responded as he then raised his fist.  

"Ok, rock....paper...scissors....shoot!!" 

"Oi! Ayame you can't change your hand!!" Shigure shouted as he grabbed his friend's collar.  Looking at how lively they were, Kaede chuckled and smiled happily at the scene in front of her.  Catching her expression, the three of them continued to banter and say things, while also beginning the game. 


"So how was work today?"  Kaede's mother spoke as she set the table with food and sat down. 

"Fine...Kaede."  The man spoke as he placed down the newspaper and looked at the girl sitting across from him.  Hearing her voice, she tensed before looking up at the man. 


"That school that you kept blabbering about, you will attend it."  The man began as Kaede's eyes widened in shock and leaned slightly forward. 

"Thank you--" 

"I'm not doing it for you.  My coworker told me that it's a great school that consists of some top students that has a high rating for sending their students to college.  Also his son also attends to that school, some other colleagues have informed me that it would be great to have you  attend their as well.   It would be best if you can mingle with some of them.  Some of the children are ranked high and their parents are high in the business hierarchy.  Do your best to become friends with them."  Her father explained as Kaede took in his words and her facial expression fell slightly. 

"Oh yes! I talked to some of the women in the neighborhood and they heard of all good things.  You are so wonderful, dear! Researching and even going to the extent of asking your colleagues about the school for our daughter.  Surely, Kaede will bring us great success and make you happy!"  Kaede's mother smiled happily while leaning towards her husband.  Her words were all to support her husband's needs, everything to appease him. Never once has she ever stood up and said anything to help her because of what Kaede wanted. 

Looking down at her dinner, Kaede nodded her and forced a smile on her face. "Well thank you.  I promise I'll do my best on the entrance exam." 

"You better, I'll accept nothing less" 

"Yes...."  Kaede clenched her fists underneath the table and continued to eat.  She was no longer hungry but continued to finish the food that was on her plate. 


Closing the door to her room, Kaede sunk down as she leaned against her door.  Tears slowly escaping as she brought her limbs closer to herself, hugging herself tight. 

"Why am I crying?? I thought this is what I wanted??"  Kaede mumbled softly to herself as she wiped her tears.  "Why do I feel like this?" 

Bringing her head towards her legs, Kaede cried for a bit and wanted tomorrow to come quickly.  She wanted time to hurry up and take her away.  She wanted to be old enough so she could finally leave.  

She was tired and wanted this to end.  But maybe finally she wouldn't need to suffer from her father's anger for a while.  Wiping her tears, Kaede slowly made her way to her desk and began studying once more. 

'If I work hard enough....If I can get into high school and get a good job, I can leave.  I won't ever have to come back here again.'        

With that thought, Kaede stared at the book in front of her with empty eyes.  

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