Chapter 6: A Life Without You

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'How tiring...' Kaede thought to herself, her lifeless eyes staring straight ahead as she walked home. Its been a couple days since she last saw Kyoko, the day she ran away from Kyoko and Katsuya. No matter how much she wanted to run away too, she didn't. Or rather she buried herself within books and studying. Every moment she had it was completing homework, studying, reading, and perhaps a bit of exercise. 

With the onslaught of her parent's nagging and yelling, Kaede worked harder than most of her peers. Within a couple years she was going to enter middle school soon: a different school than the one Kyoko went to. One that was a bit far from her home, but she didn't mind.

Kaede let a sigh escape her lips as her mind would drift off every so often and make her heart hurt. "I'm so tired." Kaede mumbled to herself and closed her eyes, walking down the straight path to her home. Her fingers playing with the paper of the book that she kept in her hands, to pass time. Though she stopped after she got a paper cut.  

Turning down the familiar street, Kaede froze at she stared at the couple  in front of her.  They were standing in the same spot they were days ago, looking all lovey dovey. Kaede bit her lip and was about to turn around when her hands decided to drop the book. 

Time seemed to stop as the couple turned to look at the girl. Kyoko and Kaede's eyes meeting for a brief second before the the eldest smiled widely. 

"Kaede!" the previous yankee yelled out and came running towards her sister. Kaede watched Kyoko run as she bit her lip slightly before giving a small smile. 

"Kyoko..." Kaede called back and wrapped her arms around Kyoko in return. Kaede forced herself to smile as the two pulled away and she gazed at the eldest. Her smile was so dazzling, her eyes sparkling, her tone sounded so light, and she appeared to be happy. No - the she is happy. 

Kyoko waited a few minutes wondering if the girl was gonna ask where she was and what happened to her, but it never came. So instead, Kyoko ruffled the girl's head and turned towards the man behind them. The man walked closer to the sisters and gave a gentle smile. 

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Katsuya Honda. You must be Kaede, Kyoko's younger sister. I heard a lot about you" He greeted and bent slightly to the girl. 

Kaede raised her head to meet his gaze. She was slightly taller than her other classmates, but this man was definitely tall. 

"Yes, I'm Kaede Katsunuma. It's nice to meet you, sir." Returning his smile, Kaede introduced herself. Her smile never reaching her eyes. Her gaze was almost piercing Katsuya thought to himself as he saw the same familiarity of the sister's with their eyes. 

"Are you perhaps the person who has been studying with Kyoko?" 

"Ah, yes I am. I guess Kyoko has been talking about me?" Keeping his smile, Katsuya teased slightly as he gave a sly look to the orange haired girl. Soon a blush erupted on Kyoko's face as she waved her hands around. 

"I-- I-It's not like that?! I don't know what you're talking about!" Kyoko sputtered as Kaede watched with interest and gave a true genuine smile. 

Before Katsuya could comment back, Kaede did. "Oh is that so? Then it must be someone else. Then are you just an acquaintance? You seem a bit old to be Kyoko's friend from school." Kaede  questioned with a light hearted tone, feigning innocence and ignorance. The expression on her face was gentle  but deep inside her emotions were swirling. 

Katsuya and Kyoko blinked and looked at each other. Kyoko bashfully chuckled and waved her hand dismissively. 

"A-ah, he's not that old! But he is someone who is close to me and I've gotten to know him from school" Kyoko quickly explained as she was unsure of how to explain her love life to her younger sister. Furthermore, tell her that she would be leaving her. With that thought in her mind, Kyoko frowned as she never quite thought so much about it. 

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