"I am innocent." I press my temple in vexation. "Just hand over the dagger."

Aldaire saunters over to me and without seeking leave, peers into my eyes. He grips me tight for a few moments. It's not long after I cease my futile attempts at kicking and thumping his chest that he grins.

"Under the council of Barracks...," he declares, holding me captive with his gaze. Losing control of my actions and my thoughts, I feel exposed. I am immobilized, "...thou shalt follow me without protest." 

He blinks and adds in a softer tone, his eyes returning to their normal hue. " Thou shalt not question my motives but obey my commands. Thou shalt aid us in capturing him, Leizabeth."

Silence descends upon us. Gradually, he releases me and steps back, expecting me to trail behind him. To my astonishment, I do. Something within me urges me not to, but I feel compelled to obey. It's as if everything is in order.

I glance up at Himley, hoping for some reassurance, but she is staring at Aldaire with wide eyes.

"Did you just..." she trails off.

Did he do what? I yearn to ask but I can't find my voice to do so. I am forbidden to do so and it irks me.

"I am unsure if this is right," I voice, feeling a twinge of uncertainty in my gut.

"It's not an option," he retorts.

I ride with him for the majority of our journey. After a few hours, I proclaim my undying loathing for the man.

"Trust me, the sentiment is mutual."

After a lengthy silence, he speaks again." You are so petite, I fear I'd snap you. What should I call you? Pixie? Gnome? Dwarf?"

Himley chuckles. "Cease. You are frightening her."

"I am bored to tears. If she is going to assist me in capturing that scoundrel, then she can serve as my jester as well. It's certainly more entertaining than conversing with my alec sister."

"No, I'm not. You are an ungrateful man." She turns her eyes away and ignores us for the rest of the ride.

We continue our journey in silence. Because I am tired of protesting in my mind and I lack any shred of embarrassment, I fall asleep embracing the horse. It is still dark when I open my eyes. I pull the fur closer to my body.

"Are we there?"

"Soon," Himley replies.

Without seeking permission, I rest my head on the horse again and drift off to sleep. The dawn is approaching faster than I anticipated. I abhor the darkness but the thought of what the day holds scares me more.

Despite that, I can't help but gasp in awe at the sight. The river holds a million diamonds in place which reflect the colors of the morning sunshine. "Is that supposed to be a river?" I ask, turning to Himley.

She nods in agreement.

There's a soft groan at the back of Aldaire's throat. "Have you never seen ice before?"

Annoyed, I avert my gaze. He is a killjoy. I realize I have fallen into a comfortable state, so I panic.

I scan and attempt to memorize the path in case I need to flee. Emphasis on attempt, because all there are, are trees with no way back. Not long after, we stand atop a cliff. There's a small castle in the distance. It could be the distance or the actual size. Houses surround the palace which rests on the very peak of a mountain.

Aldaire stiffens behind me for a few moments.

"You live there?" I am astounded.

"Something like that," Himley responds.

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