Today Will Be a Good Day

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It was two weeks since Ev's move-in and everything was going perfectly. Ever since our talk at the rink, her and I have become closer. She moved into her room, so I got my room back, but seeing as our two rooms were the only ones on the second floor, we talked more. She would come in my room in the mornings, or I would go into hers and we would just talk. Or sometimes it would be at night. And I was really starting to fall for her- like bad. 

The guys really liked her as well- not the way I did. Or, at least I hoped not. We all kinda stopped going to parties as much and would just stay home and watch cheesy romance movies with her and eat pizza. 

For instance, last night, we all decided to go into Evelyn's room, and watch '10 Things I Hate About You' with popcorn and sodas. Cal, Blake her, and I were sat on her bed, I was obviously next to Cal because he would never let me that close to Ev. Blake laid on his stomach at the foot of the bed, his feet next to me. And Charlie was sat in her bean bag at the foot of her bed. 

But today, was great and we had the game against Denver. I will admit, I was a little nervous, but I had pulled my act together since the first day of pre season. And I wasn't sure if it was because of Evelyn, but I was pretty sure she had some part in it. 

I walked downstairs after showering and throwing on a pair of black athletic shorts. My focus was drawn to her sitting at the kitchen table with her laptop open and iced coffee.

She was sitting across from a shirtless Charlie who was laughing with her.

She was wearing a pink tube top and low waisted grey sweatpants and her hair was in a messy bun. She also had glasses on, which I realized that she wore when she was doing homework- she looked really cut with them on. 

The sight of her made my cheeks flush a little and blood drain to my cock. Fuck- I should not be this hard at 9 in the fucking morning. But hey, it's Evelyn Wilder we are talking about here. 

Once I was down the stairs, I made my way over to where her and Charlie were sat. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back. 

"What's up?" She asked.

I shrugged, "You're coming to the game today right?"

She nodded and relief flooded through me. God- I am so fucking desperate. Hell- it was a pre season game and I was desperate for her to be there. 

I nodded and took a seat next to her and the three of us fell into conversation, we were talking about how good Denver was and how her skating was going. 

Our focus was adverted to the door when it flew open and Allie, Blake, and Cal walked in, loud as ever. Which made sense- considering it was the three of them together. 

Reid was still asleep, as always. I swear the guy would sleep forever if he could. And honestly- it was no shock Allie was here. It was probably her 20th time since Ev moved in. 

And one time was at one in the fucking morning when she was crying her eyes out because a donut reminded her of Evelyn- to which Ev came downstairs and started crying too and Cal mumbled that it was about their linked periods- which made sense. That's how it always was in my house, having two sisters and all. 

As the three walked inside, I realized that the source of loudness came from Blake and Allie- but they were- flirting? I furrowed my brows. Normally the two were ready to slit each others throats, but now they were teasing each other. Caln just looked bored, carrying a bag that read 'Dough Bagels'. 

"You couldn't last five seconds Blake!" Allie said, crossing her arms, stopping in her tracks short of the doorway. Blake followed her suit, staring her down. 

"Yeah but I know something I can last five seconds in." He winked, continuing to walk and she rolled her eyes and threw her arms up in the air and said, "Go fuck yourself."

"Or you could fuck me." He said, winking at her over his shoulder. 

Ev choked on her coffee and started coughing and I patted her back and she gave me an appreciative smile. 

"See your going to kill Ev Blake!" Allie said, scolding him, and wrapped her arms around Evelyn. 

He shrugged and walked into his room.

"What was that about?" Charlie asked.

"Blake wants to fuck Ally so badly it's embarrassing." Cal said, tossing the bag of bagels on the table in front of us, then he walked over to the fridge. 

We all started to laugh and Blake yelled, "She's hot!"

Once we contained our laughter Allie slid into the space to the left of Ev and said, "So the reason your brother was at my beck and call to come pick me up and bring me here-"

"I was not! You begged me to get you! Something about platonic soulmates or some shit." Cal snapped, tossing a container of cream cheese and a knife on the table and I tackled the bag. I was so hungry so thank God for Cal. 

Ev and Allie laughed and Ev kissed Allies cheek, "Aw you are my platonic soulmate." Allie winked at her and Ev looked back at her laptop. 

I want to be her soulm- fuck me.

"Anywho- the reason I am here is because you have a performance in four days and since I am your number one best friend in the whole wide world, I decided to buy everyone here front row tickets to come see you, your welcome."

We all gasped and she held up the tickets in front of us, a smug smirk on her face. 

"Whats going on?" Blake asked, coming out of his room, now shirtless in gray sweatpants. 

"Ally got us tickets to see Ev!" I said, a smile on my face, grabbing one of the tickets out of Allies hand. 

"NO WAY!" Blake yelled, snatching the tickets out of Allies hand, surely waking Reid.

And I was correct because next thing we know Reid is coming out of his room, shirtless, but with a blanket wrapped around him.

"What the fuck." He groaned, his hair was messy and his eyes were shut like he was still sleeping. I don't understand how someone so lazy can be so fucking good at what they do. 

"We are going to see our girl preform front row!" Blake said.

Reid ditched the blanket and his eyes were open so fat as he engulfed Ev in a hug and said, "Im so excited!"

She laughed and said, "Well gosh guys i hope I do good."

"You always impress baby." Allie said, winking at her.

Ev laughed and said, "Thank you love- hey I stole your nickname Charlie!" 

He chuckled and then Evelyn looked at me and saw me eating my bagel. She furrowed her brows and closed her laptop slightly and looked over it to see the bag of bagels. She smiled and grabbed it, grabbing an everything one out of the bag. 

I got up and grabbed a plate for her, and Charlie slid her the cream cheese and she smiled. 

I sat back down and Cal slid in the space to the right of me. Reid and Blake also gathered around the table and conversation began to flow through us easily. 

Yeahh today was going to be a good day. 

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