Welcome Home

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The car ride back to our dorm was pretty quiet. Someone, usually Reid, threw in commentary every now and then, and the sound of Zach Bryan was heard from the speakers, but other than that it was silent. 

I knew Evelyn was upset. And I didn't take it personally- I knew she didn't mind living with us. But the situation obviously sucked. She had to move out of her dorm, away from her best friends, and move in with a bunch of random hockey guys, save for her brother. And it was for a reason I didn't know but it was obviously a very fucked up reason based off how she reacted at the cafe. 

I spared a look over at Evelyn who had her elbow propped up on the door, her chin rested in her palm as she looked out the window. I bit my lip, trying to think of something to say but I had no fucking clue what. Suddenly, a tear slid down her face and it broke my heart a little to see her silently cry. 

I don't know what happened to her but I hated whoever made her feel like this, even if I didn't know her well enough yet, I knew she was a pretty special girl. 

I tapped my thumb on the steering wheel as I focused my attention back on the road. The last thing she needed was for us to get in a fucking car crash. 

After the 5-ish minute drive, I pulled into my usual parking spot and we all hopped out of the car. I walked over to Evelyn's door and opened it for her. She looked at me and she unbuckled her seat belt and quickly wiped her tear. 

I gave her a gentle smile and she smiled back at me and I said, "Cmon," as I nodded my head.

She got out of the car and walked to the trunk where the rest of the guys were already unloading her stuff. 

Blake looked at me, giving me a look that said 'Is she okay?' and I nodded. He took off with two boxes and made his way up the stairs to our dorm. 

Then Evelyn went to grab a box and Charlie stopped her, "Just go inside love, we can take care of it." 

She softly smiled at him and grabbed the box anyway, "It's alright Charlie." 

He nodded and grabbed another box. There was only two more boxes and her mattress left. Cal came back down the stairs to help and I said, "Dude, what happened?" 

He looked at me and let out a breath, "It's a long story I think Ev should tell you." 

That was understandable, "Is she going to be okay?" I asked. 

He nodded, "Yeah, it was last year so she is pretty much over it, but I think she just hates the fact that she is leaving Allie alone. I mean, I know Theo is there but him and Allie just aren't as close y'know?"

I nodded, "Yeah- I get it."

I grabbed the last of the boxes as Cal grabbed the mattress and then Reid came downstairs and helped Cal. I walked inside and placed the boxes down, only to see Evelyn, on the floor with Charlie, getting attacked my Bailey, our dog. I chuckled as Bailey practically laid on her, licking her face. When we first moved into the dorm, Blakes mom had like separation anxiety or some shit from Blake, so she gave him Bailey. Ever since, she has been our dorm pet and we all love Bails. She obviously favors Blake, but I guess not anymore. 

"Looks like Bailey has replaced you Blake." I said, looking towards a sulking Blake who was sat at the table, just looking at the scene. 

Ev looked at me and laughed and Blake muttered something incoherent under his breath. I chuckled and Charlie said, "They look alike." 

I looked back at Evelyn and Bailey and furrowed my brows, "They both just have blonde hair Charlie." 

We all laughed and I heard a loud thud behind me and turned to see Cal standing there with his hands on his hips, panting, and Reid in the same state. 

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