The story of a champion: part One

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*this chapter is Americas, part one*

⚠️warning suicide mentions, mental health mentions, SH and SA warnings, Abuse physicaly and mentally, dark thoughts and humor, and mentions of war, and of the USSR and Third Reich ⚠️ please take note of this if you are

sensitive to this kind of stuff in anyway.

This chapter will mention wars but is historically inaccurate so don't believe if I tell you someone turned into a frog during WW1.

It all started with the birth of a baby boy....

If only he knew what he would go through...

And so today I present you.

The story of a champion.

"Welcome to the world... 13 colonies"

(July 4th: the new born baby)

A young baby boy was born on this very day hailing from the mythical region his name given was 13 colonies but soon that would change.

The new born baby was a young boy who was loved by his parents and older brothers but soon that would change.

Since 13 colonies was born in the mystics region his first language was mystian.

His life was happy he would play with his older brothers and learn many things from a young age.

But one dark day their mother was on the battlefield and 13 colonies who was young and curious ran towards the battlefield almost getting struck by a strong aura attack. His mother jumped in to save him but lost her life in the process.
The poor 13 colonies was so confused he didn't know what death was since he was so young.

Ever since that day his father had blamed the death of his mother on the young 13 colonies......

(A time in the past, year:??) **reminder, historically inaccurate**

The young 13 colonies was out side doing labor assigned by his father, if he dare refuse he would get beaten badly by his father. It was almost like he never had a voice, he never had a life, he never felt loved....

But he wasn't completely alone. The colonies that made up his small little "country" had his side, they always did labor together and sometimes even made it into a little game so they can have fun while doing hard work. After all they all are just kids.

"Father..?" 13 colonies called. "What the hell do you want" the British empire said back. "I finished my tasks you gave me and-" the 13 colonies was then interrupted. "YOU DARE WASTE MY TIME TO TELL ME THAT?!!" The British empire yelled. The poor 13 colonies gets frightened. "Father I'm sorry I just-"
"Save your sorrow for your new room" The British empire yelled. He then dragged 13 colonies to a small room and threw him in there. He locked the door so 13 colonies couldn't escape.

The room was a small dusty room with dark stone grey walls and a concrete floor. There was no bed only a blanket and a pillow on the floor. The window had bars on them like he was in a jail cell, he did have a desk and chair for schoolwork but the desk looked very unstable and the chair was a hard wooden chair. The only light was from the sun passing through the barred window.

The young 13 colonies was horrified at the sight of the room it was basically an old small house, it felt like the walls could close in on him at any moment.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓭𝓻𝓸𝓹 𝓸𝓯 𝓰𝓸𝓵𝓭Where stories live. Discover now