The Beginning

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(Nobody POV) Nighttime rolled around as countries leave the university or go to their dorms....

A country runs down the halls hoping to find someone. "Danm it where is he" the young country says with a sigh "yo! Japan what's good bro." "America you're late... again." "sorry bro but you know how it is studying, training, learning and blah blah, honestly you are lucky i even showed up." "America you know what why don't we just finish this tomorrow it's getting late and I am tired." "Ok bro cya then take care."


(America POV)

I woke up and looked out the window, it was the weekend and I had things to do but first things first BREAKFAST!!!. I rushed down the stairs and sat down where my old tea bag father was sitting. I looked at him for a few seconds before speaking. "Hello old tea- er- father." He looked at me for a few seconds before speaking "hello America say what are you up to today" I sighed "that's none of your business" he looked at me for a few seconds before turning away. I raise my middle finger at him as a nice 'fuck you' sign, he looked livid and stood up but before he could do anything I ran up the stairs to my room yelling "FUCK YOU, YOU OLD TEA BAG!!" I slammed my door very loudly (I think I might of scared New Zealand) I face planted into my pillow knowing I was sooo grounded for the fifth time this week but I didn't care I would just sneak out anyways. A few moments pasted and I heard a knock on my door, it was my stepdad (France) "America dear please do come out and eat something you're worrying me." He spoke in a calm manner and I sighed I am so glad I have France as my stepdad I would be nothing without him "I don't wanna eat step dad I'm not hungry" I took a deep breath as France opened my bedroom door with a look of worry and confusion "America you're not hungry? That doesn't sound right" he said in a gentle but teasing voice.

A few moments later I finally decided to go apologize to my real father (I was actually forced by France) I honestly didn't want to but you know how this goes. I make it downstairs as I see old te- er- father sitting on the couch watching TV I walked up to him, he glared at me. I made my way closer to him with a hint of annoyance in my eyes but I still found a way to apologize "look father I am sorry I was disrespectful to you earlier I have learned from that mistake and I am ready for whatever punishment you have in store for me" I looked down in guilt. He looked at me with a little anger in his eyes "America you are my son and you know I care about you but you need to learn to respect me more I will let you off the hook this time but the next time you won't be so lucky got that?" I nodded "yes father" he smiled before sitting back down again, I went back upstairs and sat down at my desk.


(A time in the past Americas flashback: 1)

The winter winds grew strong a young boy stands in a battle arena terrified. He wanted this to end he wanted this war to end he cried and cried he knew he was losing he knew he wouldn't win he almost gave up until....


"You're glowing America you're GLOWING!!" The young boy stood in shock as everyone stopped mid-battle to look at his glowing body he felt something run through his veins...

"Hello where am i" the boy cried he stood up just to find hundreds of body's surrounding him.. dead bodies. He was terrified he didn't know who did this and how this happened but his terror would only grow when he saw a sword of blood in his hands his bloody hands had cuts and bruises and blood... lots and lots of blood but the blood wasn't his blood.

"Dear young America why must you do this I'm only trying to help you, you probably don't even know who I am anymore but I want you to know he's after you. You need to hide please GO!"

(United Nations POV)

I looked at the magic readings keeping track of his magical aura there was no room for error if we don't keep track of him we might be in grave danger. I watch as Americas aura readings bounce up and down as his mood changes.

After a while I went back to work. It was an exquisite day today the amazing flowers danced in the wind with a delightful smell I decided to come work outside to reduce stress levels a bit and it seemed to be working efficiently as I felt the gentle cool breeze run across my body.

August 10 at approximately 7:15 am

(Nobody POV)
It was the first day at school many students gather around campus waiting for the gates to open as the magical subways arrive dropping off students to campus while students are waiting UN and the other powers are making sure the first day of school would be peaceful and perfect.

After a while the gate's finally opened and students head to the training/battle arena to listen to announcements for the first day of school, on the first few days of school there is no work so the students can get used to their new classes, schedules, dorms etc. After announcements the Students are sent off to their first period classes, time flies by and now it's time for lunch. America, Germany and Poland all sit down for lunch. "Man I can't wait for training sessions next period!" The American says with excitement in his voice "oh we know that now I just hope you don't beat up anyone in the process now" Germany says chuckling "oh hey did you guys hear about the new student his name is Russia and he is said to be the son of the Soviet Union and they say he has a bad reputation for fighting people" Poland says in a kinda worried tone "WHAT!! Did you say S-Soviet union the son of the USSR!!" "Umm yea, what's wrong Ame?" Poland says in a very confused voice "the Soviet Union was a country I once faced as a child he helped me at first before attacking me and we became enemies I knew he had a son but I didn't expect him to be coming to this school, well you see the USSRs son doesn't like me very much because of historical events in the past hehe" Americas voice sounds alarmed and shocked but he managed to stay semi-calm for now but who knows what the future has in store for the three of them but for now it stays a


(Authors notes: I died like three times writing this for y'all I would of made it longer but I am too lazy to write anymore I will upload next chapter soon )

(Edit: Polands character design is in the process hopefully it comes out well)

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