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Chen Xingran's figure was like a sharp arrow, rushing in front of Fei Wei at a very fast speed, forming a circle with his spear, and a dragon swinging its tail and striking forward.

The electricity turns to the wind back, and the pear blossoms are scattered to make money!

Song Dongyang was not careless, and the sword and shield were quickly raised in front of him, blocking Chen Xingran's shot.


The huge force was transmitted from the shield to Song Dongyang's arm, and the surging dark energy made Song Dongyang's arm numb.

What kind of power is this?!

——Progress is entangled in the void, and the sky is rushed when under pressure!

Chen Xingran's eyes were slightly gloomy, under Song Dongyang's shocked gaze, his spear blade flashed in the sunset like the white rainbow of autumn water, stepped forward, stepped forward, held the gun in both hands, and the strength was transmitted from his legs, condensed into a strand, and slammed down on Song Dongyang's shield again!

Woo –

A shrill sound like a train whistle erupted, and Song Dongyang's footsteps inevitably took a step back, and he was almost directly overturned by Chen Xingran's shot! But fortunately, he stabilized his body in time, although the durability of the shield surface dropped a lot, but the three Fei Wei next to him also surrounded him and launched a siege on Chen Xingran.

Bell Bell Bell –

The sound of the fine blade clash kept ringing all the time, Chen Xingran took a step back, and the heavy gun shadows unfolded in front of him, he stubbornly protected the position behind him, and fought and retreated, not letting Huai Yuxing and them have a chance to bypass from behind, and always kept the four of AUG in his front vision.

Even so, his blood volume still fell rapidly, his two fists were invincible to six hands, and the purple armor fell quickly at a speed of half a second and a square, and in the blink of an eye, he was already on the verge of breaking the armor.

"He's still fighting, he's still fighting!"

Echo looked at this scene nervously, he didn't explain the game content in Chen Xingran's operation anymore, in fact, in this case, Chen Xingran didn't have the heart to play, he was just frantically dealing with the four blades in front of him, in his sight, the four weapons in front of him were like an overwhelming wave of raging waves, which overwhelmed him, and he struggled to survive in the rushing waves, waiting for an opportunity to fight back.

Break the shield first!

Chen Xingran stepped forward suddenly, adjusted the angle of his body, bypassed the attacks of Fei Wei and Yan Xia, and stiffened Huai Yuxing's sword, and while announcing the armor breaking, the spear in his hand brought up a series of afterimages, and he was stationary, as if he had the momentum of thousands of troops, and rushed to the shield in Song Dongyang's hand again like hitting the bell!

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