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After a night of fermentation, the next day, the major game media across the country reported on the incident.

Although Chen Xingran's previous record is the foundation, the analysis post on the European server is not unreasonable, As public opinion rises, players in the national server also post one after another, move out of Chen Xingran's previous live broadcast video, and begin to analyze frame by frame.

Then the players found that in slow motion, many of Chen Xingran's operations were indeed as stated in the analysis post of the European server, and some violated common sense, although it could not be used as evidence of the hanging, but it still made many Chinese players suspicious.

As those analysis posts say, if you want to do Chen Xingran's operation, such as thunder, as long as there is the assistance of system correction, this kind of action that violates the logic of the system cannot be realized. Either Chen Xingran is using some unknown bugs, or even auxiliary plug-ins, or he completely abandons the assistance of action correction and plays the game with a 0% action correction index.

But...... Is it possible?

0% action correction, which is completely unimaginable for players, and there are no pros who can do it at the moment!

As a result, some national server players also defected to the Snake King and questioned the ZMD club, some national server players hoped that Chen Xingran could stand up and explain, and some players had complained to the professional league and asked for a thorough investigation.

In this day and age, it is a big crime for a professional player to use bugs or even wài guà to assist in the game, and as long as it is verified, the player will be immediately expelled from the professional list, and the club to which he belongs will be held responsible.

In the entire game circle, nothing like this has happened for many years, so as soon as this speculation came out, it instantly attracted the attention of countless people, and the situation became more and more intense, and even other regions such as the North American division began to pay attention, and the pressure was instantly put on ZMD.

"Well, okay, I know, I'll arrange it, just come over then."

Fu Zhou said on the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong?" Luo Baibai asked.

"It's from the professional league."

Fu Zhou hung up the phone and said: "The player's side reacted very much, and a large number of calls went to the professional league, and the league has set up an investigation team, saying that they are coming to our base to ask about the situation in the next few days." "

said that it was to ask about the situation, but it was actually a testing device, and let Chen Xingran complete some controversial operations in the previous video in front of the investigation team, and after the professional league confirmed that Chen Xingran was innocent, it would issue an announcement with the official side of the game, which was a good opportunity for clarification.

Sharpen the knife and cut the vegetable bow by mistake [MTL]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें