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There were two theoretical classes in the morning, and the first one spent a lot of time explaining the battle between Yang Yunche and Chen Xingran, and almost every detail was explained thoroughly, so that the students in the classroom gained a lot.

Without a professional eye, ordinary people just watch a lively scene, applauding for the swords and swords in the picture, and the dangerous scenes, watching the blood boiling, I can't help but want to start a game, and feel that "I can do it".

But after a detailed explanation and analysis, everyone realized that a seemingly simple battle, a seemingly random feint, and how many game elements are hidden in it.

Sure enough, there are more eyes in the hearts of professional players than a sieve.

Yang Yunche will not say it, he is the world champion of Kuroshio, and in the years when Kuroshio was playing professionally, he couldn't even cover the gun god in the Europa Division, and his status in the entire professional circle was transcendent, and it was normal to have such strength.

But the shadow dancer who fought him was able to go head-to-head with Yunshen without falling behind, and he was still an unknown non-professional player, which was terrifying.

If it weren't for the mistake in his position at the last moment, and he was predicted by Yunshen to fall in an instant, it is still unknown who will die in this battle.

In the second class, the teacher did not continue to talk about the content of the knife game, but switched to a tactical theory class.

The teaching video played is also Yang Yunche's competition material.

"This is a training match between the AUG team and ZMD, and there should be very few people who have watched this game." The teacher said.

Footage of training matches is generally not leaked and is only used for internal communication in professional teams, but this teacher is a tactical coach in the AUG team, and he has obtained the consent of the two team captains in advance, so that it can be used as teaching material.

With a flick of the teacher's finger, the picture stops at a certain point.

The viewing perspective was given to the ZMD team, and at this time, the tank position of the ZMD team, You Hongwei, was already bleeding and was besieged by two members of the AUG, and the AUG and ZMD were separated by the main tank of the AUG, with a huge transparent shield to divide the battlefield.

"The picture you see in front of you is the current situation, it is known that ZMD's position is too deep and is besieged by the other party, and the amount of blood is endangered, and the [Rosary Pill] used by ZMD's auxiliary Luo Baibai still has a big move in his hand." The teacher said, "And a team is coming from the direction of the [Sanssouci Forest] in the rear, and there are two other teams fighting not far from the front right, if it is you, how should you choose the next move at this time?" "

There was no answer.

The teacher asked a few classmates by name.

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