San sighed. The whole story of last night seemed like an excuse for the other to get him to like him. He had hung out with him the whole night and then ASKED if he could fuck him?

Yeah there was absolutely no way that happened.

"Look pinkie. If I want to fuck someone, I do it. I'd never announce it like that because.. Who the fuck does that"

"Dunno, you I guess"

"Fuck off, listen", San rubbed his temples before looking at the other again, "What you're doing right now won't get you anywhere. I honestly don't give a flying fuck about what happened last night, so don't even try to make up a story just because you want attenti-"

"You filmed me."


...Saturday night


"You- What?!", Wooyoung looked at the other in disbelief. Did he actually just say that?
He thought they were having a cute little moment and he just-
"Yeah, can I?"

Wooyoung let out a breath before actually bursting out into laughter. He's had way too much to drink and wasn't sure if this was actually happening right now.

His smile quickly faded though when he met San's very serious eyes. He looked unimpressed by the younger's outburst and seemed to patiently wait for an answer.

Wooyoung gulped, "Uh"

"I'm not eating you out though, that's kind of gross to be honest"


"But If you're into that I could still try,
just keep in mind that you'd have to really clean yourself beforehand"

"Well I-"

"Honestly, fuck it, I really wanna taste that a-"


The older stopped talking and looked at him with glossy eyes. Even though he didn't seem as drunk as Wooyoung, he still was pretty out of it.

"What?", he asked, patiently sitting there.
If they were talking about a different topic, he could actually be considered as cute, the way he sat there, looking like a lost puppy.

Wooyoung gathered his thoughts and took a deep breath before turning his eyes back to San. He slowly moved closer to the older, until their legs touched.

"I want you", he whispered, staring into the other's eyes.

Surprisingly, San seemed un phased by the statement and rather amused. He smirked,

A shiver ran down Wooyoungs spine. The cute puppy dog completely vanished within just a few seconds and San suddenly didn't seem so tired anymore, he was wide awake.
Suddenly, he stood up, grabbing his wrist whilst doing so and pulled him onto his feet aswell.

"What's up with you two?", the extremely drunk Felix seemed to finally have awakened from his nap. The boy looked beyond dead, like he could fall asleep again any second.
"Were going to your place to fuck"

"BOY-", Wooyoung let out a gasp at San's blunt comment, before quickly putting his hand over his mouth to shut him up.
"He didn't mean it like tha-"

"Cool", Felix answered, "Have fun then"
The boy was way too drunk to care about what was just said and seemed to be in his own little world.

"Thank's freckles, see you", San just replied before grabbing Wooyoungs wrist again to drag him out of the kitchen.

As they passed all their friends and the other party guest, Wooyoungs mind seemed to sober up a bit. His hands started sweating and his heart started beating faster in his chest. They were actually doing this? Of course, this was what he wanted but he didn't think it would actually happen, at least not this easy.

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