Part 14

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A couple days later, Blaise, Pansy and Draco sat in the parlor of malfoy manor, Harry and Hermione playing quietly in the playpen.

"Blaise, we need to run out for a bit, do you mind watching the babies?" Draco asked, pulling his coat on.

"Not at all, they're safe with me." Blaise replied. Draco kissed Harry on the head and said goodbye, and pansy did the same with hermione, although the girl whimpered.

"So fussy." Pansy muttered, smiling as she and Draco left the manor. Blaise smiled at Harry and hermione, scooping them up and carrying them to the nursery.

"Alright babies, you can play for a bit longer, I'm gonna go get your bottles ready." Blaise said, leaving and shutting the door.

Hermione looked at Harry with misty eyes, leaning in closer.

"I think pansy's trying to mess with my brain." She whispered.

"What?" Harry asked, snapping out of his headspace.

"She put a charm on my room. When I'm in there, I'm so tired that  all I do is sleep. I can hardly sit up on my own there." Hermione explained, crying.

Harry put his arm around her, unsure of what to say.

"I don't know if this is helpful, hermione, but try to play along. Maybe she'll take the charm off your room, and then you'll feel better."

Hermione sat silently, taking in what Harry said.

The door opened, and Blaise walked back in, noticing the kids.

"Aww, you two are so good." He cooed. "Wanna feed yourself bubba?" He asked Harry, handing him his bottle.

Harry latched on and sipped the milk, hovering between his grown and baby headspace.

Blaise picked up hermione, carrying her to the rocking chair, cradling her in his arms.

"What's the matter, baby girl? Are you upset?" He cooed, rocking.

Hermione said nothing, latching onto the bottle. Blaise continued to rock as he fed her, humming softly.

"After you're done eating, we'll get a nap in, and hopefully that'll help your mood, poppet." Blaise said.

Once hermione finished her bottle, Blaise held her up to his shoulder and burped her, keeping her close.

Harry reached out his arms, smiling.

"Hold on, bubba, I'm gonna put hermione down first, then I'll hold you." Blaise promised. He laid hermione down in the spare crib, then picked Harry up. He patted his back, and rocked him for a couple minutes.

Harry closed his eyes, and Blaise set him in his crib.

"Sleep tight, little ones." He said, leaving the nursery, closing the door.

Hermione woke an hour later, fearing the worst. She sat up, and groaned when she found that her nappy was wet.

She whimpered, and the door opened. Blaise walked in softly, picking her up. Hermione whined and tried pulling away, but Blaise held her close.

"Hey, what's got you so upset?" He cooed, smoothing hermione's hair back. She couldn't answer, whining again.

Blaise guessed what the matter was, but he didn't know if hermione would be comfortable with him changing her.

"Do you need a nappy change?" He asked softly, carefully assessing the girl's expression. She pouted and began to cry, and Blaise quickly soothed her.

"I know, it's no fun to sit in a wet nappy. I'll be very quick, but I'm sure your mummy would be sad if you got a rash."

Blaise laid her down on the changing table, changing her as quickly as he could. Hermione squeezed her eyes shut, still embarrassed.

Once she was in a clean nappy, Blaise went to wash his hands. When he returned, he scooped Hermione up, popping a dummy in her mouth.

"You did so well, baby girl. Thank you for behaving for me." He said, kissing the top of her head.

Hermione was too tired to respond, so she just put her head on Blaise's shoulder, snuggled up to him.

The nursery door opened again, and Pansy walked in, smiling as she saw hermione.

"There's mummy's baby girl." She cooed, taking hermione in her arms. "How was she?"

"She was good. I just changed her, but she was definitely nervous. She behaved for me, though." Blaise said.

Pansy smiled and gently bounced hermione.

"She doesn't like having her nappy changed, it's not you. She doesn't even always cooperate for me." Pansy replied, kissing hermione's head. "Let's say bye bye, we need to get you home, love."

Hermione sleepily waved at Blaise, then at Harry, even though he was asleep.


Once pansy got home, she popped hermione into a jumpy swing, smiling.

"You stay here, baby, and mummy will be back soon." Pansy cooed, pulling on the ropes gently so that hermione would bounce a little.

Hermione bounce just until pansy had left, then stopped. She looked around the nursery, wary. She didn't feel sleepy, so maybe pansy had lifted the charm?

She couldn't think long before pansy returns, scooping hermione up.

"Let's read a story, hm? My baby girl loves to read." Pansy cooed, sitting with hermione in the rocking chair.

Hermione wanted to get up, but she thought of what Harry had said, and sat still, snuggling into pansy's side.

Pansy smiled as she opened the childish book and began to read, pausing to let hermione look at the pictures.

Soon, hermione grew tired, and laid her head on pansy's shoulder. Pansy placed hermione in her crib, turning on her mobile.

"Nighty night, love. When you wake up, you'll feel much better, you'll see." Pansy soothed, smirking a bit as she left the nursery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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