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Draco sat in the sitting room with Blaise zabini and Gregory goyle, chatting.

"Thank you again Blaise, for bringing him here for me." Draco said. The other boy nodded.

"Of course, Draco." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. There was a sudden crackle over the baby monitor, and draco looked down at it. He stood up and looked at Blaise and Goyle.

"I'm gonna go feed him his bottle. I'll be back out in a little while." Draco said. He walked down the hall and into the soundproof wing, entering the nursery. He walked over to the crib and smiled down at Harry.

"How's my little boy after his nap? Are you feeling better?" Draco cooed. Harry scoffed through his dummy, making draco chuckle. "You certainly are fussy. Maybe you'll feel better after you've eaten." Draco said. He picked Harry up and carried him to the rocking chair, sitting down with Harry cradled in his arms.

Harry looked around the nursery, taking in the full view. There was a large crib, the one he'd been in for too long, a change table, a toy box, and a closet.  Harry was stunned at all the detail of the room. How much work had gone into this?

Draco removed the dummy from Harry's mouth, and the brunet yelled.

"Let me go, you're insane!" He screamed. He tried to thrash, but he still couldn't move. Draco tutted and smoothed Harry's hair back.

"That's not going to happen, little one. Now, are you going to cooperate and drink your bottle for daddy, or do you need a punishment?" Draco said. Harry whimpered, but opened his mouth and latched onto the bottle. "Good job." Draco said softly. He started rocking and humming softly.

When Harry finished his bottle, draco burped him and laid him back in his crib, popping his dummy back in his mouth. Harry whined, knowing that he'd be stuck with the dummy until draco decided to remove it.

"Don't be so fussy, little one. You just hang out for a bit, and daddy will be back later." Draco said, leaning over the crib bars. He stood back up and left the nursery, shutting the door.

Harry sighed and looked up at the ceiling. He was stuck, and there was nothing he could do. This was humiliating. Hopefully someone would find him before anything worse happened.

Harry opened his eyes and groaned. He must've drifted off. He looked up to see the mobile still spinning, and he was no longer alone in the nursery. Blaise Zabini was leaning over the side of the crib, smirking.

"Hey Potter, have a good nap?" He asked. Harry frowned at him and growled behind the dummy. Not his most intimidating moment, but he was trapped in a crib, so he really couldn't do much.

"I think he's cranky. I don't know what to do about that." Came another voice as Gregory Goyle walked into the room. No, not another one of draco's friends! What had he done to deserve this?

"He could be, but I think he just needs a change." Blaise said. Harry's eyes widened. What was he talking about.

"Oh, he's in nappies too? No way, that's hilarious!" Goyle laughed. His face changed and he looked serious. "But I'm not the one changing him." He said.

Harry started crying. What the hell was going on? How would he not have noticed a nappy wrapped around his waist? He was an adult, for merlins sake!

"Calm down, Potter, it's okay." Blaise said, reaching down into the crib to pick Harry up. He was surprisingly gentle, but Harry Wasnt gonna allow this injustice. He tried getting out of blaises grip, but he still couldn't move well. Blaise rubbed his back and laid him on the change table, opening up his onesie and rolling  it up to his abdomen.

Harry started kicking, but it didn't do much. Unable to fight back, Harry just cried as Blaise change him. When he was clean, Blaise slid a clean nappy under him and pulled it up over him, taping it closed. The taller boy redressed Harry in the onesie and picked him back up.

"Alright potter, chill out. You're alright." Blaise said. It was actually kind of soothing. That, or Harry was just too embarrassed to push back. Blaise walked over to the crib and laid Harry down, turning on the mobile and baby monitor. Harry reached out and sucked on his dummy, looking up at Blaise sadly. "You have to stay in here. Daddy will be home in a little bit." Blaise said. Harry put his arms back down and whimpered.

Goyle chuckled as he looked down at the smaller boy. Blaise nudged his shoulder.

"Be nice. Let's just go back to the living room." Blaise said, basically dragging goyle out of the nursery. He closed the door as they left, leaving Harry alone again. He cried behind his dummy, tears rolling down his face. He just wanted to go home.

The nursery door opened and draco walked in. He picked Harry up no carried him Over to the rocking chair.

"Hey kiddo, what's the matter?" Draco cooed. Harry couldn't answer. Draco pulled the dummy out of his mouth and set it on the dresser. "There we go, can you tell daddy what's wrong?" Deaco said.

Harry took a breath to calm himself and looked up at draco. "I don't like anything about this. I just wet myself, for crying out loud." Harry said.

"It's alright. Daddy's glad you used your nappy." Draco said.

"Are you even listening to me?! I don't want to be here, and I don't want to be treated like a baby! And i can't very well lay in a crib all day me stare at the ceiling. I haven't even left this damn room since I got here." Harry said.

Draco smoothed Harry's hair back. "Did you get everything out that you wanted to say?" He asked. Harry frowned. 

"No, of course not-" he said, being pacified by the dummy in his mouth. Draco looked down at him.

"I know it's hard, but you're gonna be in here until you start to weaken mentally. The sooner you come to terms with your new life, the better." Draco said. He put Harry back in his crib and left the nursery. Harry drifted to sleep, too tired to stay awake.

Baby Harry and Daddy DracoWhere stories live. Discover now