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Harry woke up with drool dribbling down his chin. He cringed and wiped it away, rubbing his eyes groggily with his fists.

The nursery door opened and Draco walked in, bottle in hand.

"Good morning, sleepy boy. Want some brekkie?" Draco cooed, picking up th smaller boy.

Harry hugged Draco's neck and leaned in close to him, chilling. Draco patted Harry's bum lightly before chuckling.

"I think you're due for a nappy change, bub. You've got a dirty bum." Draco said, laying Harry down on the changing table. 

Harry began to cry, dummy tumbling out of his mouth. Draco shushed him as he threw out the used nappy, wiping Harry clean and lifting his legs to clean his bum.

"It's alright, little one. Daddy's nearly done." Draco soothed. He powdered Harry and taped a clean nappy around his waist, smiling at him.

Draco went to quickly wash his hands and returned, picking Harry up.

"My sweet baby boy, you're so well behaved. Now, would you like porridge? We can make you a bowl of it with jam on it, as a little treat." Draco said.  He sat Harry in his high chair and conjured up the porridge, just how he described it.

He fed Harry with no issues, talking lightly about how well behaved he is until the bowl was empty.

"Now then, you've still got a bottle waiting. Would you like to hold it, or can daddy feed you?" Draco asked.

Harry reached out for Draco, babbling. Draco smiled and scooped him up, carrying him over to the rocking chair. He placed the bottle in Harry's mouth and the boy drank eagerly.

Draco realized this was a golden opportunity. Harry was getting less fussy, even seemed to be happy being here. He could dress him in slytherin robes, and the boy would probably smile. The thought made Draco chuckle.

When Harry finished his bottle, Draco burped him and carried him into the playroom, sitting him on the floor.

"Okay bubba, daddy will be right back. You sit here and play." Draco said, kissing Harry's forehead before leaving the room, setting the baby gate in place.

Harry happily stacked blocks for a half hour, babbling loudly through his dummy. Draco came back into the room and sat across from Harry, scooping him into his lap.

"Uncle Blaise isn't able to babysit you while daddy's out running errands, so I'll have gram watch you, okay?" He said, pulling Harry close. The smaller boy nodded, snuggling into Draco's chest.

Draco stood and carried Harry back to his nursery, laying him down in his crib. "I'll be back in a little bit, gram will pop in to check on you soon." Draco cooed, smoothing back the boy's hair.

Harry cooed quietly and fell asleep as Draco left the room, turning out the light. Harry fell asleep, snuggling into his blanket.

Harry opened his eyes a little bit later, looking around the dim room. Narcissa sat in the rocking chair, knitting, and looked over at Harry.

"Hello sweet boy. How was your nap?" She asked softly, smiling. Harry didn't respond, just quietly watched the woman knit.

"Draco will be home soon. Why don't we get you something to do?" She said, walking over to the toy box. She pulled out a puzzle cube, setting it in Harry's crib as the boy sat up.

He picked up one of the blocks, matching it up to the cutout. Narcissa sat down and continued to knit.

Draco returned a little bit later, walking over to Harry's crib and picking him up.

"There's my little one." He said, kissing Harry on the cheek. "Thanks for watching him, mum." Draco added.

"Of course, Draco. He's so precious." Narcissa said. She left the nursery, and Draco shut the door. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck, leaning his head on his chest.

"Look at you being so cuddly. Why don't we get you some tea, and then we can get you in the bath, alright?" Draco said.

He set up Harry's high chair and sat him in in before retrieving a small packet of biscuits.

"That'll be a nice little treat, right bubba?" Draco cooed, smiling. He handed Harry the packet and the smaller boy ate the snack without complaint.

Draco tidied up the nursery while Harry was occupied, organizing the nap pies and powder in the cabinet, making sure all the clothes were in their proper place. 

"Done!" Harry chirped, smiling as a few crumbs stuck to his face. Draco laughed and wiped his face clean, picking him up and carrying him to the bathroom. He undressed the boy and filled the tub with warm water and bubbles.

"Look at these, bubba." Draco said, showing Harry some small bath toys. Harry smiled and nodded. There was a dragon float, a little snitch toy, a couple tugboats, and a foam frog.

Draco set Harry in the tub, starting to wet his hair down. Harry played with the toys, not even a bit put off that Draco was bathing him.

After a short bath, Harry was squeaky clean and getting sleepy. He yawned as Draco rinsed him off and drained the tub, wrapping him in a big soft towel and carrying him back to the nursery.

"Let's get you into your pajamas, and then we can have a bottle and a story." Draco said, laying Harry down on the changing table. He put the boy in a clean nappy and soft onesie, patting his hair with the towel to help dry it.

Draco popped Harry's dummy in his mouth and brought him to the rocking chair, cradling him as he selected a story.

Harry snuggled close as Draco read, ready to fall asleep. He'd been so mad when he first got here, as he was unwilling, but he was getting used to it, even beginning to love his daddy.

Draco kissed Harry's forehead, carrying him over to his crib.

"Night night, baby boy. Daddy will see you tomorrow. You'll get to have a play date with another baby your age." Draco cooed.

Harry hardly reacted to that information. As Draco left the nursery though, Harry processed the news; another baby. Who else was being treated as a baby?

Baby Harry and Daddy DracoWhere stories live. Discover now