Draco work to get another day, the sky cloudy. It was Bound to rain, so Draco decided he should stay in the house. He walked downstairs and made himself breakfast and a cup of tea, going to si at the table to enjoy it.

He started thinking about hogwarts nd all the memories he had from there. Some of the times there hadn't been very good, but he had achieved a lot in school. He had to admit, he did miss picking fights with Harry Potter, but he didn't see him every day now.

All of a sudden, draco smiled. His eyes glinted with thought, and he had a perfect idea. It would be fun to see the other again, and bring his big ego down a few notches, right? He left his breakfast unfinished and went to his room to plan and prepare.


Harry smiled as the wind whipped his face, cooling him in the process. He came outside for an early morning spin on his broom and was having a great time.

When he decided he should land, he made his descent and kicked his heels to the ground. He got off his broom and went inside, brushing his messy hair out of his face.

Harry walked into the house and kicked off his shoes and hung up his cloak, going to the kitchen to make breakfast. He had worked up an appetite, after all. He filled the kettle with hot water and put it on the stove, gathering his porridge and sugar while he waited for the water to boil.

Once it was steaming, he removed it from the burner and covered the porridge with water. He stirred it and threw a handful of nuts into the mixture. Harry brought the food to the counter with his cup of tea and sat down to eat.

There was a quiet rustle from the next room over, and Harry ignored it. It could've been the wind. When the noise happened a second time, and then a third, Harry got up to check it out. He walked into the next room to see a cloaked figure. 

Harry pulled out his wand and looked at the figure

"Expelliar-" he shouted. The figure cast a silent curse, sending Harry back. His head hit the wall and his eyes shut, the wind knocked out of him. Everything went quiet as he fell into unconsciousness, going numb.

The figure silently picked Harry up and apparated out of the house with a loud crack. This would worsen the smaller boy's headache, but that was none of his concern.

When the figure arrived back at malfoy manor, he strode inside and stood in front of Draco.

"Thank you. You can put him in his nursery. I need to go get one last thing before he wakes up. I won't be long." Draco said. The figure nodded and walked to the back wing of the manor, entering the nursery. He laid Harry down in the crib and turned on the mobile, leaving the nursery and locking the door.


Harry was in a lot of pain when he woke up. He winced. What happened? One minute he was eating his breakfast and now he was... wait, where was he? He tried to sit up, but he couldn't move. Even if he could, he figured the sudden motion would be hard on his head.

"What the hell?" He muttered, confused. He moved his eyes around the room to try and get some sort of clue as to where he was, but it was too dark. He groaned. What was he gonna do?

A soft creak startled him slightly, and he was aware of another presence.

"Hello? Who's there? What's going on?!" He called into the darkness, trying to show that he wasn't to be messed with.

"Good morning sleepyhead. How's my little one doing?" Came a familiar voice. Harry felt like he'd been punched in the stomach.

"Draco...What are you doing here? Where am I?" Harry asked, his heart thumping loudly. He heard Draco chuckle as the lights came on, slowly getting brighter. Harry was not pleased to find everything was now blurry. Where were his glasses?

"Now now, Harry, you know you can't call Daddy by his fist name." Draco tutted. Harry practically jumped out of his skin. He didn't know what the hell draco was talking about, but the blond had clearly lost his mind.

"What are you blathering on about? Why would you even call yourself that? It's weird!" Harry snapped. Draco walked closer to Harry's crib and looked down at him intimidatingly.

"That's no way to speak to me, little one. I'll answer your questions, but you have to be quiet, alright? If you yell one more time, I'll have no choice but to quiet you myself." Draco said softly and sternly. Harry's stomach flipped. Man, draco really was crazy.

"Okay." Harry said quietly, looking up at draco. Draco smiled.

"First off, you are at Malfoy manor. I brought you here because I was bored, and missed having you near to pick on and whatnot." Draco began, pacing back and forth. Harry scowled.

"Why don't you get a hobby or career?" He asked snootily. Draco looked down at him and frowned.

"Don't interrupt daddy, Harry." He said. He produced a red dummy from his pocket and brought it to Harry's lips. The brunet shook his head and clamped his mouth shut tight. No way in hell was he going to suck on a dummy. Draco simply grabbed his chin and opened his mouth with a little force, sticking the dummy in place. When he let go of Harry's jaw, Harry tried to spit out the dummy, but it wouldn't budge.

"I put a little charm on that for you. Only I or any other caretakers you have can remove it.." draco said. Harry let out an angry scream, but it was muffled and didn't bother draco in the least.

"Anyway, I remembered you being arrogant and sassy, always relying on there to help you with every little thing. So I decided that since you want to act like a baby, I'll treat you like one." Draco said. Harry frowned. 

"Oh, don't be so upset, little one. Daddy will take good care of you, and you won't have a care in the world. Soon, you'll be happy to be my little boy, in a warm house with plenty of food. For now, however, we need to get you settled in." Draco said. Harry let out a whimper, threatening to cry. He couldn't do that in front of his rival. How humiliating would that be?

"Now, I think you need a little more time to adjust. Daddy will be in the other room with your uncles, so you just lay here like a good boy, and I'll be back in to give you a bottle soon." Draco said. He dimmed the lights again and was about to leave when he turned back around to face Harry. "Oh, and you can cry and scream all you like. This wing of the house in never in use, so I've taken it upon myself to soundproof it." Draco said. He left the nursery and shut the door behind him, locking it.

Harry began to cry, miserable. What had he done to deserve this? He's grown up in the past year since leaving hogwarts, he wasn't the same immature teenager that he'd been before. Now he was stuck here, not even capable of moving.

After a good while, Harry had tired himself out from crying and shut his eyes, falling asleep. His stomach churned, dreading what would happen when he woke up.

Baby Harry and Daddy DracoWhere stories live. Discover now