Part 9

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Harry was very quiet the next day. He was glad that draco hadn't punished him for his misbehaving, but he was in no mood to interact with him. He sat quietly in his crib, nursery lights off.

The door opened all too soon when draco walked in, approaching the crib. "Hey there, kiddo. I thought about what uncle goyle told me, and I think you need a consequence for it. You need to learn to behave better." Draco explained.

Harry cringed and whimpered as he was picked up. Draco held him close and shushed him.

"It's okay, this will be over before you know it. Daddy just needs you to sit here for a little while." Draco said. He carried Harry to the time out room and sat him in the corner, rubbing his back gently. "I'll be back to get you in 10 minutes." He said, leaving the room.

Harry slumped forward, resting the top of his head in the corner between the walls. He cried, losing his dummy in the proces. He felt so childish for crying, but the stress of the situation was getting to him. It really did feel like draco was a guardian to him, with the way he babies him.

After ten minutes, the door opened and Harry looked up. He didn't see deaco, but goyle. He scowled, trying to look menacing.

"Are you ready to apologize?" Goyle said, smirking. Harry shook his head. "Fine, Potter, be that way. I can wait all day, but sooner or later, you're gonna be crying for your daddy to come get you."  He taunted.

"You're wrong." Harry grumbled, trying to stand. He wobbled and fell onto his padded bum. Goyle laughed.

"Don't even bother, kid, your legs are like jelly right now." Goyle said. He placed his hands under Harry's armpits and lifted him a bit, placing his back in the corner. "Now you stay there until you say sorry." He added, leaving the room.

Harry sat in the corner, stewing in anger, for 20 more minutes before Draco finally came in. He picked the boy up and rubbed his back.

"Alright, I think that's enough. Let's get you some food." Draco said. Harry wrapped his arms around his neck and put his head on his shoulder. He seemed to be getting off the hook. He still didn't want to apologize, but if Draco wanted him to, he might.

Draco sat Harry in his high chair and buckled him in, clicking the tray in place. He conjured up a bowl of porridge and picked up the spoon, bringing it to Harry's lips.

Harry couldn't stomach the thought of eating. He kept his mouth shut, turning his dead away. 

"Come on, bubba, you need to eat." Draco said. He tried again, but Harry still refused the food. The boy started crying, reaching out for Draco.

"Oh kiddo, come 'ere." Draco cooed, scooping Harry up. He rubbed his back, swaying. Harry looked over Draco's shoulder to see goyle standing there, smirking. The boy whimpered, burying his face in Draco's shoulder.

Draco began to prepare a bottle for Harry, heating it up and adding a little vanilla essence. "Alright, little one, let's get you fed." Draco cooed, carrying Harry back to his nursery. He sat in the rocking chair, cradling Harry.

Harry gladly drank the bottle, calming back down. He leaned in close to Draco, trying to stay awake. He wanted to spend some quality time with his daddy.

"Such a good boy, Harry." Draco cooed, rocking softly.

Harry soon drained the bottle, and Draco held him up to his shoulder to burp him. Harry rested his head in the crook of Draco's neck, happy.

The door opened and Draco stood up, walking over to greet who came in.

"Someone has something he would like to say." Draco said, shifting Harry in his arms. The small boy looked goyle in the eyes as he stood in front of him. "Come on, do it for daddy." Draco encouraged.

"Sorry." Harry mumbled. He thought he could get away with it, but Draco looked down at him.

"Just a bit louder." He cooed. Harry looked back at goyle and fidgeted.

"I'm sorry." Harry repeated. Goyle smiled and crouched down to be at eye level with Harry.

"It's alright. Babies usually get fussy, don't they? That's all there was to it." Goyle smirked. He ruffled Harry's hair, and the boy pulled away. Draco adjusted Harry again so that he was back up to his shoulder and patter his back.

"Daddy's proud of you, little one. Now why don't we have a bit of reading time?" Draco said, picking up a book. He sat back in the rocking chair and read for the next twenty minutes, finally lulling Harry to sleep.

Baby Harry and Daddy DracoWhere stories live. Discover now