Part 13

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Hermione opened her eyes quite a while later. She blinked groggily and tried to sit up, but she was still so sleepy. She didn't know what time it was or how long she slept, but she didn't want to sleep again so soon.

The door opened and pansy walked in, smiling at the girl.

"Uh oh, did my baby mess her nappy? Let's get you changed, love." Pansy cooed, lifting Hermione and laying her down on the changing table.

Hermione cried weakly, trying to squirm away from Pansy. Pansy smiled sympathetically at her, laying a hand on her tummy to keep her still.

"Why must I keep telling you this? If you fight mummy, everything will be much harder for you. I can leave you in your dirty nappy if you want to be naughty, or I can change you into a clean one." Pansy said.

Hermione whimpered, finally keeping still. Pansy cooed and removed the dirty nappy, wiping hermione clean. She sprinkled baby powder on her and slid a clean nappy under her bum, taping it snuggly around hermione'svwaist.

"I'll be right back. Stay put." Pansy said, stepping out of the nursery to wash her hands. Hermione sucked on her dummy, rubbing her eyes. She was not going back to sleep.

Pansy returned and snapped hermione's onesie, scooping her up. She sat in the rocking chair with her, kissing her forehead.

"Look at how sleepy my baby is. Do you want mummy to sing you a lullaby?" Pansy crooned. Hermione shook her head, opening her eyes wide to show Pansy that she could stay up. Pansy laughed.


Blaise sat in his living room, reading a book. His mind went back to the chat he was having with Draco and Goyle about Ron, and how he wouldn't get in the way.

Now he was curious. He loved babysitting Harry, and he'd proven to be very capable with a baby. Did he want to be a daddy?

He smiled to himself. He would think about it for a couple days, and if the answer was yes, he'd go out and find his baby boy.


Draco was struggling to get Harry to sleep. The boy was very fussy and couldn't stop crying.

"Bubba, what's got you so upset? Did you have a scary dream earlier?" Draco cooed, bouncing Harry gently.

Harry shook his head, wrapping his arms more securely around Draco's neck.

Draco had no clue what had his baby in such a sad mood, but he needed comfort right away. He held Harry close and kissed his head, rubbing his back.

"Daddy's got you, don't worry." Draco soothed, moving to sit in the rocking chair.

fFinally, Harry had calmed down enough to accept his dummy. He sucked on it gratefully as Draco held him, still rubbing his back.

"There we go. Now, it's time for bed, little one." Draco cooed, standing and laying Harry down in his crib. As sleepy as he was, he was sad to be separated from his daddy, but closed his eyes and drifted off in the next minutes.

Draco stayed for another few minutes, looking at his baby boy. He realized that he could use magic to figure out why he had been so fussy just now, but... it didn't feel as genuine as it could be. He wanted to take care of Harry authentically, and mostly without magic. That's what he would do from now on.


Hermione woke up the next morning, so cosy in her crib. She could lay there all day, it was so comfortable, and she was still tired.

The door opened and pansy walked in, peeking down at her.

"Good morning, baby." She cooed, scooping her up. Hermione didn't fight, just leaned against her shoulder.

Pansy laid hermione down on the changing table and changed her nappy, putting her in a soft mint onesie. She left to wash her hands, and when she returned, she picked hermione back up, holding her against her chest.

"My tiny hermione." She said, kissing hermione's forehead. She went to the rocking chair and conjured up a bottle, knowing it would be the easiest thing for hermione to eat.

She removed her dummy  and replaced it with the bottle, surprised at how cooperative hermione was. The girl latched on and began to drink the milk, snuggling close to pansy.

Pansy smiled as she rocked. Maybe soon she could take the charm off of her baby's nursery. She was behaving very well already.

When the bottle was empty, pansy held hermione up to her shoulder and burped her. She popped her dummy back in and laid her down on a soft mat on the floor, hanging a little bar with plastic dangly toys over her head.

"You stay there and play, mummy has a quick call to make." Pansy said, leaving the nursery and shutting the door.

Hermione studied the toys. There were a couple phoenixes, some owls, a hippogriff, and a thestral. She batted at them once or twice before losing interest, putting her arms on her ribs.

She slowly rolled onto her side, then onto her stomach. Her limbs felt a little like jelly, but she could move alright. She began crawling to the door, shaking slightly.

When she reached for the doorknob, though, the door was already opening. Hermione felt her heart skip a beat as she looked up at pansy.

"What did mummy tell you? You were supposed to stay over there." Pansy scolded lightly. Hermione had to think fast. She didn't want to be in trouble, so she mustered the best cry she could, reaching her arms up to Pansy.

Pansy cooed and scooped her up, kissing her temple.

"Was my baby sad being alone?" Pansy cooed, rubbing hermione's back. For extra show, hermione put her head on pansy's shoulder, cooing happily as she snuggled with her.

Pansy laid hermione down in her crib, smoothing her hair back.

"This time, love, stay where mummy put you." Pansy said, leaving the room again. Once past the door, pansy set the charm to be a bit more effective. She figured hermione was trying to leave, and since she'd calmed down quickly after being caught, she was sure that the reaction was staged.

If the girl didn't learn to behave soon, pansy would need to take more effective measures.

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