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As Alexander, Oliver, and Josie explored the intricacies of their new home, Theodore immersed himself in the depths of his investigation

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As Alexander, Oliver, and Josie explored the intricacies of their new home, Theodore immersed himself in the depths of his investigation. The task at hand was daunting, for he sought to unravel the mystery surrounding the Kiyomizu Sisters.

With unwavering determination, Theodore hunched over his laptop, diving headfirst into a sea of information. He combed through news articles, online forums, and social media posts, searching for any clue that could lead him to their missing friends. Each keystroke brought him closer to the truth, fueling his relentless pursuit.

Theodore's brows furrowed as he stumbled upon an article detailing the existence of the Yggdrasil-Violet Systems-Resistance-Sirius Team. It was a formidable alliance, a force to be reckoned with in the TEKKEN universe. The knowledge of the Kiyomizu Sisters' involvement in this group sent a shiver down his spine.

As he delved deeper, Theodore found himself captivated by news footage of the fateful Kiyomizu Car Accident. The images flickered on his screen, displaying the wreckage and devastation that had forever changed the lives of the Kiyomizu Sisters. He couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy for their plight, a desire to reunite them with their loved ones.

But the divergence between this world and their own puzzled Theodore. How could their parents' deaths unfold so differently here? It was a haunting enigma, a mystery that tugged at the corners of his mind. He knew he needed to dig deeper, to understand the intricate tapestry that connected their lives with the TEKKEN universe.

However, Theodore felt a nagging curiosity about his past. He typed his name into the search engine and was shocked by what he discovered. According to the articles he found, his parents had been arrested for the crime of murder.

It brought back painful memories of his abandonment and the subsequent adoption by a loving family. Similar revelations awaited him as he researched Alexander and Oliver. Their lives in this world were far from what they knew to be true.

Theodore tried to learn of Alexander's matter in the TEKKEN universe, yet it was mentioned on the news that Alexander is a doctor saved by Bob Richards and is raised by him, as his adopted relative.

Even though the truth is that his family is wealthy, but died in old age, lastly, when Theodore searched Oliver's case, he founded out that his parents died of cancer and is raised by Katarina Alves as his foster son, even the truth is that his parents are assassinated because of the fame.

As Alexander, Oliver, and Josie returned from their explorations, Theodore greeted them with a mixture of excitement and exhaustion. Their eyes sparkled with curiosity, eagerly awaiting the revelations he had uncovered.

"It's been quite a journey," Theodore began, his voice tinged with a sense of awe. "I've unearthed some fascinating information about the Kiyomizu Sisters and their involvement in the Yggdrasil-Violet Systems-Resistance-Sirius Team."

Josie's eyes widened with anticipation, her voice filled with eagerness. "Tell us everything you've discovered," she implored, leaning closer to Theodore.

Oliver chimed in, his voice filled with anticipation. "Yeah, spill the beans, Theodore. We're all ears."

Theodore took a deep breath, his gaze shifting from one expectant face to another. "The Kiyomizu Sisters are indeed integral members of this alliance," he revealed, his voice filled with a mix of awe and concern.

Alexander's brow furrowed as he tried to comprehend the implications. "So, they're deeply entwined in this complex world," he mused, his voice laced with a mixture of surprise and worry.

Oliver leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "But where are they? Why have we been unable to find them?" he inquired, his voice tinged with frustration.

Theodore's expression grew solemn, his voice tinged with a sense of determination. "That's the million-yen question," he replied, his tone laced with a hint of weariness. "But I won't rest until we find them."

Josie's gaze shifted from Theodore to the others, her eyes shining with determination. "Theodore, I have an idea," she interjected, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "You could apply to be Lei's assistant detective. It might give you an opportunity to delve deeper into this world and uncover more information about the Kiyomizu Sisters."

A flicker of contemplation crossed Theodore's face as he considered Josie's suggestion. "You might be onto something," he conceded, his voice filled with newfound determination. "It could be a strategic move that allows us to penetrate the inner workings of this world and bring us closer to the truth."

Alexander's gaze shifted from Josie to Theodore, concern etched across his features. "But what about Josie's safety?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Theodore met Alexander's gaze, his eyes conveying a mixture of resolve and reassurance. "I won't let anything happen to Josie," he stated firmly. "We'll stick together, look out for one another, just like we promised."

Josie smiled, a sense of warmth radiating from her. "I appreciate your concern, Alexander," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "But I have faith in Theodore's abilities. Together, we'll navigate this world and find the truth we seek."

The four of them shared a moment of quiet determination, their collective resolve interwoven like the threads of a tapestry. They knew the path ahead would be arduous, fraught with challenges and unknown dangers. Yet, united in purpose and fortified by their bond, they were ready to forge ahead, guided by their shared mission and the unwavering desire to bring the Kiyomizu Sisters home.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow over their humble abode, they prepared for the road ahead. With each passing moment, their determination grew stronger, their resolve unwavering. Together, they would unravel the secrets of this alternate world, bringing the Kiyomizu Sisters back to the embrace of their true home.

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