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The days had turned into months, and Oliver's guilt still weighed heavily on his soul

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The days had turned into months, and Oliver's guilt still weighed heavily on his soul. Every night, he found himself on his knees, praying for forgiveness and redemption. The memory of taking Darrel's life haunted him, and the demons of his actions consumed his thoughts.

The darkness inside him grew, and at times, Oliver felt as if he was losing control. The demon within him whispered cruel words, urging him to end his own life as atonement for his crimes. He became distant from his new family at the Resistance, afraid of what he might do if he allowed them too close.

One day, when Oliver was alone in his thoughts, a sudden knock on the door startled him. As he opened the door, he found himself face to face with Claudio Serafino, the leader of the Archers of Sirius, along with Lars Alexandersson and Derrick Anderson.

The three men had come to check on Oliver, having heard about his recent struggles. But when they saw Hwoarang at the Resistance base, they hesitated, unsure of their welcome.

Before things escalated, Katarina stepped in, her eyes filled with concern for Oliver. "Please, leave him alone," she pleaded, her voice wavering.

Baek, always the peacemaker, calmed Katarina down and invited Claudio and the others inside. Hwoarang explained that Oliver had helped them, and now they needed to help him in return.

Derrick approached Katarina with a hint of desperation in his voice. "We know something's not right with Oliver. Claudio might be able to help."

Claudio stepped forward, looking at Oliver with understanding. "I believe a demon has possessed him," he said calmly, his eyes focused on the troubled young man.

Asuka sighed, explaining what had transpired over the past few months. Oliver's behavior had drastically changed, and the dark aura around him was unsettling. Baek agreed, confirming that they had all been worried sick about him.

Lars and Derrick, seeing the truth in their words, decided to leave Claudio, Katarina, and Asuka inside the room with Oliver, while Hwoarang watched from a distance.

The exorcism began, and Oliver's struggle was evident. The demon resisted, fighting to maintain its grip on him, but Claudio was relentless in his pursuit. Asuka and Katarina held Oliver down, offering him words of support and love as Claudio chanted incantations and performed ancient rituals.

An hour passed, and finally, the demon's hold on Oliver began to weaken. With a final burst of energy, Claudio expelled the malevolent presence, and Oliver's body went limp.

Asuka and Katarina thanked Claudio profusely for his help. Claudio merely nodded, a sense of relief evident on his face. He knew that they had saved Oliver from a fate worse than death.

When Oliver finally regained consciousness, he felt a sense of lightness he hadn't experienced in months. The darkness had lifted, and he could see clearly once again.

Katarina and Asuka embraced him, their eyes filled with tears of joy. "You're back," Katarina whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Oliver smiled weakly, feeling a sense of gratitude for the people who had stood by him through his darkest days.

Claudio then addressed the group. "As soon as Oliver has recovered, we must convene at the Yggdrasil Base. There are important matters we need to discuss," he said, his tone serious.

Lars and Derrick also expressed their gratitude to Claudio for helping their friend. "You did a hell of a job, Claudio," Derrick said with a smirk, stretching his arms.

Claudio chuckled softly. "It was a team effort," he replied, acknowledging the support he had received.

Asuka and Katarina chimed in, "Yes, we all did a good job." The rest of the group nodded in agreement, knowing that together, they could face any challenge that came their way.

With Oliver's demons vanquished, and a renewed sense of purpose in their hearts, the Resistance prepared to face whatever awaited them in the Yggdrasil Base. They knew that their fight against the powerful organizations was far from over, but with each other's support and Claudio's guidance, they felt stronger than ever.

The days that followed Oliver's exorcism were filled with a mix of relief and cautious optimism. As the young man slowly recovered from the ordeal, he found solace in the support of his newfound family at the Resistance. Katarina and Asuka, in particular, never left his side, making sure he felt loved and cared for.

Oliver was grateful for their unwavering support, but deep inside, he still carried the weight of the guilt from his past actions. He struggled to come to terms with what he had done, seeking forgiveness not just from the people around him but from himself as well.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Resistance hideout, Oliver sat alone in a quiet corner. He gazed out at the peaceful view, trying to find some semblance of inner peace.

Asuka noticed Oliver's contemplative state and approached him, sitting down beside him. "Hey," she said gently, "how are you feeling?"

Oliver sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Better, I guess. But I can't shake off the guilt, Asuka. What I did... it's unforgivable."

Asuka placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You made a mistake, Oliver, but you're not defined by it. We all have our dark moments, but it's how we rise from them that matters."

Oliver looked at her, his eyes searching for answers. "But what if I can't forgive myself? What if I'm always haunted by what I did?"

Asuka smiled softly, her warm eyes full of understanding. "It takes time, Oliver. Healing is a process, and you have a whole family here to support you through it. We believe in you, and we'll be here every step of the way."

Oliver nodded, grateful for her words of encouragement. "Thank you, Asuka. I don't know what I'd do without all of you."

As the weeks passed, Oliver gradually started to regain his sense of self. The darkness inside him was no longer as suffocating, and he began to open up to others about his feelings and fears. He started to understand how to give himself a second chance, only to ponder what he can do in the end.

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