Chapter 3.2: Heart of Sub Zero

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They say the past is history, the present is always what you receive; However, the future is unpredictable. The holidays is a time of forgiveness and letting go of the sorrows that carries us like an anchor. Even the most difficult times can be hard to let go; Most times it can be a lethal dose of poison. You feel dark, rage, and cold. There's times you just want to scream all that hurts or even take it out on someone you love. You must wonder what is the aftermath when the damage is done?

After a beautiful and rekindling passionate moment they once had. Asia and Darnell fell asleep blissfully entwining into one another. As much they would ask themselves what are they really doing here? They were just lost for words. Feeling their warmth of their bodies; they just did not want to ruin a beautiful night they once shared.


Sleeping in his arms just felt like something I needed for a long time. His eyes, his lips and his body. It made me feel whole once again. I just know deep down inside I made a mistake of leaving him for another man. I know he's trying to be him but I know I have hurt him drastically. I was really hoping to ask for his forgiveness face to face and it end up being more. But he's still so fucking handsome after all these years forgot how he felt the first time. Oh geez my mom and Grandma are going to kill me after they ask on how things went between us.

During the evening, as they both were asleep, Asia started to have a nightmare of her ex husband. The images of them arguing, him arriving home late without saying a word, and threatening to kill her to have sex with him, even she did not want; It's something she has held for years inside of her. Tossing and turning repeatedly she wakes up Darnell right beside him.
Darnell tries to wake up Asia, as she cries begging her ex husband to stop in her dreams.

Asia crying while in her sleep "Please Sid don't kill me, I will do anything you want."
Waking up immediately, Asia wakes up gasping for air and sweat on her face.

Darnell stares at her and asks "Are you alright Asia?"

Asia responds "I am sorry, was I talking in my sleep?"

Darnell looks at her sad yet disappointed not wanting to answer, Asia immediately responds "It's ok, you don't have to answer me."

Going back to sleep, the mood for each other automatically changed sleeping distance apart not wanting to look at each other.


I have never had seen this side of Asia before; It's like she has become a cold hearted woman. She's not the same Asia I fell in with, love years ago. I don't know how she can pursue life in a unhealthy manner. I didn't want to answer because I didn't want to hurt her feelings and I wouldn't do that for a past love. I sure do blame her ex husband for making her this way because deep down inside I know their is that sweet and lovable Asia. I will accept things on how they are, even if she leaves the morning without a word because I know she's hurt.

Waking up, Darnell catches Asia putting her thong on and enjoying his view of her exposed butt, he says "You have always looked beautiful."

Asia looks at him thinking he was asleep, she says to him "hmm must have been the sex we had."

Winks with a smirk on her face, as she gets her clothes back on, she walks to him apologizing, cupping his face, looking at his eyes.

Asia says "I didn't want to be rude to just leave."

Darnell says "I wouldn't have imagined you like that."

Asia says "I have some things to take care of in my life, I hope you understand."

Darnell responds "I understand and I won't judge either but having you for the night was beautiful, thank you so much."

Asia kisses his lips so passionately leaning herself on him and just glances at him.

Darnell says "Asia I hate to ruin things, but don't you normally bake cookies with your mom and Grandma?"

Asia responds "You remember and it is Christmas Eve."

Darnell says "I didn't want to disappoint them for keeping you this long."

Asia smiles at him "Your a sweet man thank you for the reminder."

Kissing each other greatly; Asia says "Come by for some cookies, handsome."

Walking out of his bedroom, she takes one last look at him blowing him a kiss saying "Merry Christmas handsome." He waves wishing her the same. After her leaving he just wonders how will he tell her how he really feels.

As Asia arrives at her mother's house, to bake cookies with her mom and Grandma. Asia has displayed a joyful smile on her face and arriving with bottles of champagne and white Sauternes. Her mom and Grandma are so astatic to see her in a fine mood, but they are very curious on why?

Preparing the cookies as a family, they let them cook in the oven and pulling her aside wondering how things went between her and Darnell. Asia asks "Why so curious?"

Grandma says "I know my grand daughter too well."

Her mother says "Mmhmm lets hope you did things the right way."

Taking a sip of her glass of wine. Asia feeling like she's on the hot seat she responds after taking a sip "Well I did take your advice I did ask him for forgiveness and he accepted from his heart."

Mother stares at her "That's amazing glad it worked out between you two, now we can have him over again for old times."

Grandma says "Oh bless you child, I am glad you did things the Christian way."

Asia says "Well we expressed each other, more than words." Looking at them with blushed cheeks.

Her mother and Grandma look at her with shocked looks in their faces.

Her mother says "Nah uh you didn't?" and her Grandma says "Oh hell no....this shit blasphemy, oh Lord what did I do to deserve this?" Storming out of the kitchen to get some fresh cold air outside.

Her mother stays in the room with Asia telling her "I said ask for forgiveness, not to be on top of him."

Giving her mother a moment to breathe saying "Oh sweet Jesus." Airing herself out of her answer

Asia says "Mom please let me explain." Her mother says "What is their to explain? Forgive with no clothes on." Asia chuckles.

As Grandma walks back in the kitchen with snow in her hair and shoulders, she goes into the fridge opens a brand new bottle of white wine pouring herself to the tip of the glass, drinking it down like water, she asks "Ok I am calm now, so Asia how was he?"

A sexy conclusion....

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