Chapter 2: Troubles of a Single Mom

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They say certain situation can be resolved in a civil manner; Sometimes, those situations can result into a unlawful climax. When love has been experienced in a loveless way, the question is can love be found again? Every thing in life requires sacrifice, layers of walls takes so long to break down and letting go of the shackles of the past takes time. Is staying still the only way to life or can love really conquer a single mom's heart? Lets find out 

The sounds of the frying pans on the stove, the smell of flames cooking meals, and people booking reservations in advance. This restaurant gets busy by the day, that's when they hired Joaquin who is Head Chef of Flaming Sabor which means in Spanish flavor. For he is the savior of this restaurant when it was about shut down.

Before he arrived the previous Head Chef they had, was stealing and abusing the finance of the restaurant. As for the owner, being devastated by the drastic behavior he terminated him immediately. Being down a Head Chef and him filling in until he finds a replacement, he had one applicant come in to see him with no experience but with a degree in Culinary Arts. The owner felt he couldn't afford him; As Joaquin mentions cooking is his life and wants to offer his skills; The owner and his wife felt they had nothing to lose, so they hire him to be the Head Chef of their restaurant. In a matter of weeks he quickly adapted to the staff and identified the restaurants flaws of the previous Chef. Making changes one step at a time; The restaurant started to flourish with more clients and the word spreading at the speed of light.

As months went by,the restaurant became a success, letting Joaquin change the menu and kitchen bringing this restaurant to newer heights and having live bands play; Forever the owner is indebted to him. But their is one thing the owner doesn't know about Joaquin; He is in love with his daughter Ximena.


I know it seems like a boring life but cooking has always been my passion and often I have troubles finding a beautiful lady who I can show my talents too. Being Cuban decent I look for love of a woman but I can't deny this beautiful lady of her wonderful personality, the highlights of her hair and her curvy figure.


Oh my goodness this man, I just can't stop thinking about his dark hair, his brown eyes, his lips and his slim body. I have to hide myself well with him. Just so we can be alone. My daughter Leila doesn't know about him yet and she's fourteen. Mainly because she notices me looking different lately. It didn't even take me that long to fall in love with him and it's been a few months since I have known him. Sooner or later my family will have to know and being from Columbia they do things traditionally.

Ximena didn't like him at first in fact she wanted him fired, thinking he was trying to be a hot shot or just trying to take advantage of her parents who are the owners, just like any other Head Chef would do.


I will admit just wanted to keep an eye on him at first, I was surprised with him overall. He brews coffee of the start of my shift, makes me scrambled eggs shaping into a heart with toast, and makes my daughter meals when I am caught up with work. I just felt so guilty of doubting him so much. But I sometimes wonder why me?


Most guys would judge of her of who she is; I don't think of her that way just someone misunderstood and just needs a little help. I never took things personal with her just wanted to earn her respect and love.

Ximena keeps herself distracted just so she's not reminded of the horrible memories when her ex husband just treated her like an invisible woman, never spending time with her daughter and always thinking himself. The feeling of her being a stay at home mom all those years tarnished her and after ten years not being in a relationship; She was starting to awaken of what it's like to be a beautiful woman.

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