Chapter 2: Seven Millenniums Ago

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This is a story of a boy named Grant, one of the pioneers chosen to venture beyond the boundaries of  Sol, the solar system containing Earth. Before the age of the anthros, humanity stood at the precipice of its greatest exploration, and Grant found himself at the forefront of this audacious endeavor.

Unbeknownst to humanity, they were on the brink of a catastrophe unlike any they had ever encountered. As they celebrated their technological prowess and reveled in the thrill of venturing into uncharted territories, a lurking danger waited patiently just out of sight. The very quest that was to define their age and propel them to the stars was a double-edged sword, carrying with it unforeseen consequences...

Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty Three Years Ago. August 18th, 2140...

I awoke to the intrusive blare of my alarm, dragging myself from the embrace of sleep. Blinking away the drowsiness, I sat up, a sense of anticipation stirring within me. My hand fumbled for the alarm, silencing its insistent beep. Pushing back the covers, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, the morning light filtering through the window casting a faint glow across the room.

Swiftly, I dressed, the familiar rustle of new fabric signaling the untouched United Space Research uniform waiting in my closet. My fingers brushed against the crisp plastic packaging, the pristine material promising uncharted journeys ahead. The fabric, smooth and glossy, whispered of adventures yet to unfold, its scent a heady rush of newness.

Exiting into the hallway, I found myself drawn to the bathroom mirror. The uniform hung on my frame, pristine and unmarked, a canvas waiting for the stories and honors yet to be earned. No badges adorned it yet—I hadn't earned them, hadn't yet etched my tale into the fabric's pristine surface.

As I scrutinized my reflection, a surge of pride and nervous excitement coursed through me. Today marked the threshold, the initiation into the United Space Research Junior Officer program. The awaited moment had arrived, and my chance to prove myself lay on the horizon. Today, I would step aboard a starship, embarking on a journey that would test not only my skills but also the depths of my aspirations.

I emerged from the bathroom, treading across the familiar floor to where my parents awaited in the kitchen. "Morning, Grant," my father greeted, a warm smile etched across his face as I settled into my seat. My mother had orchestrated a breakfast spread, the aroma of freshly cooked eggs beckoning me.

Seated, I devoured my meal with a haste that prompted my mother's curiosity. "Woah, Grant! Where's the fire?" she quipped, a playful glint in her eye.

"Mom!" I retorted, a tinge of urgency in my voice. "Remember, we've been planning this for months!" I reminded her.

"I know, I know," she chuckled. "Just teasing. We'll be ready to go in fifteen minutes," she assured me.

The fleeting moments slipped away, and soon, I found myself settled in the back seat of the car, the cityscape whisking past. Along the high-wall, our vehicle merged effortlessly among the myriad of other automated cars, each navigating the vertical thoroughfare with precision. Unexpectedly, our path diverged, ascending upward to a flat highway—an anomaly amidst the typically vertical orientation of the city's transportation arteries. The expanse required for such horizontal motorways stood in stark contrast to the efficient use of space on the towering high-walls that seamlessly intertwined between the buildings.

The car accelerated, hurtling towards a lengthy, straight tunnel. Lights streaked past in a blur, the velocity of our movement blurring the surroundings into a kaleidoscope of color. As the tunnel's end loomed closer, the car's pace moderated, gradually decelerating before smoothly transitioning into the United Space Research building's parking garage. The vehicle navigated the ramps and levels, finally gliding to a halt at a designated drop-off point.

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