[Chapter 20 - Happy Holidays!]

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This chapter is longer than normal! Enjoy!

[Sausage POV]

I had received wind of a village to the far north side of Empires. It apparently appeared overnight.. hm.   The whole 'gist' of this town was so everyone could find a gift for each other.

Seeing this, I immediately messaged Fwhip on the communicator.


good boi sausage: fwhipppp!!

Count fWhip: hi

good boi sausage: wanna go to that holiday village place?

Count fWhip: sure! meet you at the entrance?

good boi sausage: yep! see you there!

[Fwhip POV]
I said my goodbye before hurrying out my house and taking flight. I had a rough idea of where the village was.  It was a little ways past Gem's empire, in the snowier cliffs and in a plateau. 

After a short but cold flight, I saw the village in the distance. It had a warm, but fun and festive feel to it.   Flying closer to it, I could now make out a few of the players there; Gem was giving Katherine her coat, Scott was with Jimmy, Shelby was talking with Lizzie,  and Sausage stood just outside the gate into the village.

I landed, now running over to Sausage at the gates.  His wings were wrapped around him for warmth, as well as wearing a shawl with a hood over his head. 

Noticing me, he waved a quick hello with his wing before beckoning me over and into the village.  Walking into the village, I quickly realized how popular the place seemed to be. There were small groups of people gathered next to stores and benches. Some hybrids I could only see being from Joey's Empire. 

Sausage gave me a quick glance before quickly turning to stand in front of me. "So, where 'you wanna go first?"  He said happily, nudging his wing to a few of the stores.

I looked around, trying to see the options we had. "Uhmm-"  I noticed Lizzie parting ways with Shelby and quickly called out for her. "Lizzie-! Over here!"  Her gills perked up before turning around and noticing us. She hurried over, her tail swished in the air slightly.  

"Hello! What's up?"
 She said cheerfully as she looked at both me and Sausage.  "We heard about this village and thought we'd show up!" Sausage paused, "Do you know any good stores here?" He said in a hushed mutter.   

Lizzie perked up at this, "Oh yeah! I assume you wanna get presents for each other?" She said, putting her hand in front her face as if to hide her saying something. 

  "Uh-" Lizzie cut me off, "Well there's a store just over there that I think you two will like!" Lizzie chimed, pointing towards a store that was quite crowded.

  I still wanted to say something, but Sausage piped in with a energetic smile, "Great! We'll go there now-!"  I gave him a look before pushing me towards the store ever so slightly. "Thank you, Liz!"  She waved a quick wave before walking off towards a fountain close by.  

We jogged our way towards the store. It was decorated differently than the other stores, having warmer tones and ivy sprawling across the walls.  There was a large sign, although cracked down the center, it read 'Violet Stop'.    We squeezed our way in between the crowds to the entrance. It was surprisingly busy outside, but quiet and empty inside. 

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