[Chapter 10 - Feast]

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Hey big number 10!  I've really been enjoying making this story, it's the first time I've been dedicated to make a story.   So, now that we hit chapter 10, comment on this chapter at any point and ask a question! If I don't get any questions by the next week as this releases, I will answer a few questions I think you guys may want to know! Enjoy this chapter <3

[Start Of Chapter]

[Fwhip POV]
I woke up, it had been a few days since I met Jimmy for the first time after the explosion. As I was stretching, I heard a caw from outside.   A raven this early? Huh.   I stood up and headed downstairs and outside my house. as I suspected, a raven was perched on a fence just outside my house.   I picked up the envelope it had in its beak and opened it. 

It read: 
'Greetings Count Fwhip! The annual Rivendell Feast will be taking place this afternoon, please bring your finest dish that is special to your empire.'

The feast? Already? time felt so fast..!   I thanked the raven and hurried back into my house.

I prepared some potions of healing and strength, surely this would do for the feast!  By the time I finished the potions, it was already noon. I hurried out of my house with the elixirs in a shulker box as I darted up and out of the Grimlands. 

I arrived at the location of the feast. I saw a few of the rulers waiting to enter, they all had shulker boxes with them.  Probably filled with their dish...  I looked around for Sausage or Gem, and sure enough, I saw Gem leaning against the stone cliffside. 

I walked over and chatted to Gem for a while before the feast started, "Thank you emperors and allies for coming to the annual Rivendell Feast! You may enter," Scott said, he was standing close to the entrance.  Soon, all the emperors entered the area one by one, me and Gem entering last. 

As I entered, there was a table where all the kings and queens were placing their dishes.
I waited for them the finish before putting down my potions.   I took my seat in between Sausage and Gem, Pearl close by. 

A few of the emperors exchanged news, some good, few bad.

after a few minutes, I heard Sausage sigh and put his hands on the table.  All the emperors looked at him, we all suspected him to bring up some normal news, but we did not expect him to say this...   

"I have a... 'warning'... you could say." he paused.

 "So, you all that I'm not evil now,"  

As he said that, Gem and a few others stiffened. I got a little worried as well, did he return to the dark side?

  "Carry on..?" Pearl said skeptically. 

 "Well don't worry, I'm not on their side again. But- theres this version of me... their basically me when I was evil." 

"I- I don't know how to deal with them... they are out and I don't know how to keep track of him. he could be anywhere."   A few of the emperors glanced at each other in worry.

although I had a different reaction......

Was this... 'Evil version' of Sausage the one that... saved me?  


The one that helped me when I was about to die...? 



Was I trusting the wrong Sausage this whole time........?


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