[Chapter 3 - That's Not Like Him.]

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[Start Of Chapter]

[Fwhip POV]
I had been hiding away from my empire for a while now, I didn't want to just come back! Sausage said it was a 'boring end to the story,' but I think its best I stay away...
Help the villagers to fix up the place on their own, they always relied on me.  They always needed to learn how to work on their own without any directions.

I needed to find a place to stay, for I just lurked behind buildings and almost got found multiple times.

  Where's somewhere I can hide for a while without being found....

Just then, I heard a sharp bang from nearby, I perked my head up, my eyes just above a cart I was hiding behind. I saw nothing for a long while, just hearing more clashes with what sounded like iron or steel.   I wanted to run out and see what was happening, make sure everything was safe, but I still had to keep my profile low...     I crept my way past buildings and taverns, making sure I wasn't in broad daylight at all times. the farther I went the louder the sounds became, soon I was so close to the spot, it was like a battle or something...

I peeked around the corner of a building, I saw a large crowd gathering around two other people I could not see.  With a sigh of slight annoyance, I took off my scarf and wrapped it around my head to hide my identity, as well as taking off my jacket. 

As I walked through the crowd, I heard the sounds of swords clashing, I was right.
A battle was occurring.

I wove my way through the crowd until I could see the battle clearly, the people around me were cheering for whoever was winning, some chanting out names that I could not hear. 

When I managed to get up to the edge of the crowd, I realized who the two people were.
It was the blacksmith of our empire fighting...- Sausage?!

What-!? Sausage isn't the person to just start fights randomly! 

Well yes, he seemed a bit harsher than before,
but not this bad!

I tried to call out for Sausage, my voice riding on the same line as the rest so no one was suspicious. He glanced over to me before quickly blocking an attack and being shoved up to the crowd.  With that, Sausage hurled his sword at the tailor, throwing it in the direction of them.

The sword missed and Sausage fled away from the crowd, I tried chasing after him but the crowd pushed me back.  I could see Sausage dart upwards and hide in a shadowed part of a house, his black cape whirling in the wind.   

All I could see was a shine in his bright red eyes.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! it definitely more of a filler, but it builds a good scene.

Words: 501

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It is linked on my profile, I do animations and stuff.


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