Her betrayal cut deeper than any loss he had ever known, deeper than the wounds of his family's passing. It was a betrayal that stung ferocity and left him reeling, questioning the foundation of what he had believed to be unshakable. Maybe his obsession blinded him. His love for her and his relentless pursuit of his need for her drove her to this betrayal. What had he done, or failed to do, to deserve such a blow?

To say that betrayal hurts was an understatement; it was a searing, soul-crushing pain that left him gasping for air, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what had transpired. He, a mafia lord who had navigated the treacherous waters of power and loyalty, now was adrift in a sea of doubt and anguish.

The man who had always been a step ahead and played the game of power with deft precision had failed to see the one thing that could bring him to his knees. In his obsession with Autumn, he had overlooked the possibility that she, the one he had deemed his, could be the one to betray him.

As he stood there, realizing her betrayal washing over him, Zyler was a portrait of desolation. The pain was not just emotional; it was a physical agony that coursed through his veins, leaving him weak and vulnerable. For the first time, the mafia lord felt a sense of helplessness that overshadowed all his strength and power.

In this moment of profound betrayal, Zyler was no longer the untouchable lord of the underworld; he was a man, raw and exposed, bearing the scars of a wound that would perhaps never fully heal.

"I want to see her," he sat there as Eric grabbed his handcuffs. Cole barged in as Eric walked over to Zyler.

"I don't think she wants to see you," Eric clicked the cuff on Zyler's arms. The man still looked like a king. Hand-cuffed or free, he was a king and will always be one.

"You son of a........." Cole charged at Eric, and Zyler raised his hand, asking him to stop.

Zyler knew he could escape this mess but didn't want to. Cole stopped at Zyler's hand wave.

"Protect Autumn," he said to Cole before Eric escorted him out of his office. The news spread like wildfire, Zyler's fans taking it to social media platforms, claiming Zyler to be innocent and that this was the FBI's plot to destroy an innocent man. The footage of Varney's treason leaked online, along with the fact that Varney, Ryle, and Matt raped Elaine and killed Zyler's father.

Zyler's supporters rallied, flooding platforms with declarations of his innocence and conspiracies of FBI machinations. The leaked footage of Varney's betrayal, alongside the heinous crimes against Elaine and Zyler's father, added fuel to the firestorm.

The internet was a battleground of opinions, with Zyler's supporters vehemently defending him, even threatening extreme actions against the FBI. This digital uproar spiraled, becoming a chaotic symphony of voices, each clamoring to be heard.

Amidst this tumult, Rowena arrived breathlessly at Zyler's residence. "Did you see the news, Atty?" she inquired, her entrance frenzied. Autumn, witnessing the unfolding chaos, felt the weight of her actions. The consequences, far more severe than she had anticipated, were unraveling in real-time, and the reality of the situation began to sink in.

A few days ago........

Liam's voice crackled through the phone with a sense of urgency. "I have a strategy to bring down Zyler," he declared.

Determined and unyielding in his pursuit, Eric responded, "I'm listening." His resolve to capture Zyler was unwavering; every lead was a potential key.

"Tell Zyler's girlfriend her sister is alive, and she's with Zyler," Liam suggested confidently.

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