Chapter Thirty Two

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Third Person's POV

They are now sitting in the living area. Namjoon was just there, staring at the younger male. Namjoon got to hold him, heard him call his name. He's literally sitting right in front of him, but it felt like it was just a mere dream. It's too good to be true.

"You've been quiet since earlier." Jimin was the first one to break their silence, Namjoon took a heavy sigh.

"I'm still processing everything, I still can't believe it. I'm sorry." He apologized. Jimin smiled in response. Just by looking at the younger one and seeing him smile, Namjoon felt like he might cry again.

"Have you been well?" Namjoon asked him. Jimin felt a pang of pain in that question; he still hasn't changed at all. Instead of resenting Jimin, he managed to asked Jimin about his well-being. He's still the caring Namjoon he once knew, but he also knows very well that he has many questions for him. Jimin would understand if he will hate him after this. He deserved it.


"I-- I am, I've been doing pretty well. I mean who wouldn't when I'm taking care bunch of cutie pies." Namjoon nodded in agreement. Jimin knew that the older male was just restraining himself from speaking.

"Why aren't you asking anything?" The younger one asked him impatiently, and Jimin had already prepared himself for this confrontation. He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time because, they both needed this.

Namjoon finally gathered the courage to ask, and he didn't beat around the bush anymore.

"Did you plan this?" Namjoon asked him directly.

"No." He replied shortly to Namjoon's surprise. Namjoon pulled his brows together. He's now even more confuse.

"I found out that they were already mourning me, so I just went along." Jimin explained, nonchalantly. Namjoon could hardly believe what he heard. Jimin said it so casually, as if he hadn't hurt anyone with what he did.

"You disappeared just like that and made us believe that you were gone. Didn't you even think about the impact it would have on us?" Namjoon's eyes almost pleading for an explanation, hoping to be given enough reason to understand why he did it. They all mourned his death, almost everyone carried regrets in their hearts, and here Jimin was explaining it all without any emotion.

"My parents never made an effort to see me after they abandoned us but they showed up in the funeral. And Seokjin? He was there for me, practically raised me but admitted he never wanted me in his life."

"And they only cared... when I was gone." The younger one chuckled as he recalled their faces at the funeral. Namjoon furrowed his brows, concerned with Jimin's behavior.

"The look of regret in their faces was so funny to me, the guilt was eating them alive and it pleases me. I very much enjoyed the whole show." Namjoon felt shiver runs down his spine. He couldn't believe that Jimin was telling him all this. Something altered, he was acting so different. Yes, two years had passed but how could a person changed this much? He's emotionless. This doesn't feel right.

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