Gracious Your Form

Começar do início

I think I'd like to stay here, in this moment, forever.


Vera and I eventually had an actual conversation where she asked me several times if I was uncomfortable with her being "so old" and I told her several times that I couldn't care less how old she was. I apologized profusely for my awful words and she apologized for calling me naive, and our love disastrous.

I think we both knew that there was some truth to the things she said, but we didn't address it.

The next morning I went to school as usual, and in a unexpected turn of events, saw G waiting for me at my locker.

Ah, fuck. I sigh deeply and try to push down any anger I feel, because ultimately he is just worried about me, and it's not his fault that I'm not used to people caring.

"Morning" he says gruffly.

"Morning," I lean against my locker and meet his eye line. He looks so uncomfortable I almost want to laugh.

"Look man, I'm sorry. You're an adult and who you choose to fuck is your business. You know I just worry about you."

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have flipped out at you. I just..."

How honest should I be here?

"I really like her. Like a lot. And I guess I got defensive because - it's really not like that at all. I mean I know how it sounds, but I can promise you that I want this. More than anything."

"You love her?" He asks, bluntly.

"I-" I start, and try to lie but I just can't. "Yeah. I do."

He nods and thinks for a second.

"Just don't get caught then. You should be good at that though, you break the law all the time."

I drop my jaw at him, a smile itching at my lips due to his approval.

"I do not! I'm the #1 rule follower around here!"

"How long have you had your license?"

"Okay that's just a technicality," I defend myself.

"Yeah okay" he chuckles. The bell rings and I notice that everyone else has deserted the hallway and gone to class. Oops.

", won't tell anyone will you? About Mrs. Avila?" I just have to know that Vera will be protected. I am the one who told him after all.

"You don't have to worry about me."

I smile, before wrapping my arms around his significantly larger body. He hugs me back, and I thank God or whoever for bringing this man into my life.

"Hey! Are you two skipping?" An old croaky voice calls. I look over my shoulder and see Mrs Harding hobbling towards us.


"Hide in the bathroom?" I whisper to him. He smiles and nods, before mouthing, "Run".

I smile back mischievously and we run down the empty hallway, ignoring the old bat's hollering.

"Goddamn it Aria I know it's you! You're lucky I just had my hip replaced young lady!" she shouts after us. I cackle as G and I round a corner, and burst into the rarely used bathroom we use for our illicit activities. I lock the door behind me, before leaning over to catch my breath.

"What happened to following the rules?" he asks, smirking at me.

"Starting now. I'll be a good little rule follower now." I sigh and hop up onto the counter. He rolls his eyes, sensing my bullshit. G hops up on the counter beside me, and pulls out a blue raspberry vape from his hoodie pocket. I grab it from him and take a deep hit, allowing the smoke to fill my lungs. When I exhale, I get a pleasant head rush that makes me lean back and smile. G takes his vape back and hits it himself.

Against ReasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora