A jolt of pain brings me back to reality. This can't be a dream.

I retrieve my other shoe floating nearby. My eyes drink in the dreamy, desolate woodland blanketed with a thick layer of snow. Yes, I must be dreaming.

Despite my confusion, I venture into the wilderness. It could be the enchanting scenery, the gentle melody of the river flowing a few meters down, or just the aftermath of the hit, but the supernatural satisfaction of being in such a beautiful place makes me feel at home.

A faint voice whispers from my soul, promising never-ending adventures. My feet seem to have a mind of their own, and my heart yearns to discover what the place conceals. It's easy to lose myself.

Exhausted, I come to a halt. I take in the beauty of the secluded forest and realize that I've been entranced for so long that I've lost track of where I am. A golden ray of light pierces through the trees ahead, captivating me once again.

Pain shoots through my arm. My white dress is stained a horrifying crimson red. I follow the trail I've taken with my eyes and spot a few other smears of red I've left in my wake. The sudden stench of copper makes me nauseous. I crumple to the ground.

Foreign to me, as if a switch has been flipped in my chest and a knife plunged into my heart, I sob into my hand. I feel vulnerable, rocking on my knees in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it's the sense of missing something or the frustration that I can't remember who I am. But whatever it is, I can't shake it off.

I lift my head at the sound of a snapping twig. The place is white and empty, with a strange ambiance that makes my skin prickle in response.

"There you are. I smelled you miles away, I couldn't miss it. But what a beautiful surprise. Good deeds do pay off, don't you think?"

I search for the source of the voice in terror.

"I was starting to worry about my food options. Bless the deity for providing me something more than a bear. They aren't much to my liking although I love the idea of a fight. Have you ever seen a mama bear trying to protect her cubs? No? Well, it's sad you won't ever see one." The brief silence that falls between the stranger and me makes the place feel sinister. "On the other hand, humans are delicate, innocent, and... absolutely delicious."

The laughter echoes through the forest. Though there's no visible source, it's enough to make me want to run. My heart races in my chest as I frantically search for the man.

"Listen to that! I am starving, I could end you in a blink of an eye but you are so lucky that today I want to play with my meal. You'll have a few more seconds to be in this painful world."

The way the last words roll off his lips makes my heart drop. "What are you talking about?" Although I'm unarmed, I threaten back. "Stay back or I will shoot."

His laughter reverberates from every corner, making it hard to discern where exactly it's coming from. If only I knew, I'd know which direction to run.

"I admire your courage, darling. It adds a thrilling twist to my game."

"I mean it!" 

He hums in response. "I know you do. If only you had one." A loud thud behind me freezes me in place. "You wouldn't hurt me, would you?" he asks in a soft voice.

The light illuminating us suddenly fades as my eyes blur, and I fear my body is on the verge of shutting down. I'm terrified to turn around, yet equally intrigued to see the face of my potential murderer. With trembling knees and hesitant steps, I start moving. He's so close that I can feel his cold breath against my neck.

My eyes scan him from bottom to top. His boots, partially covered by his chausses, are buried in snow. His shirt robe features a belt with a knife hanging on the side, and his broad shoulders are draped with a fur cape. He possesses boyish good looks that, if not for his sinister grin, would make me think he's an angel come to rescue me.


My chest tightens, and I forget how to breathe. "Wh-who are you?"

"I'd like to see that gun you were talking about." He pretends to look behind me. When my back hits a tree, I realize I've been moving. Unlike him, he hasn't moved an inch, yet I feel cornered and frightened.

"Stay away from me."

"I would but you know what happens if I don't kill you now?"

I shake my head. How could someone this beautiful harbor such darkness inside?

"I will torture you," he states matter-of-factly.

I gulp in panic. I want to scream, I want to run, but my legs are so weak I'd fall if I took another step.

He discards his cape before retrieving a knife from the side of his boots. I gasp in horror. What is he going to do? Is he a cannibal? Is he going to cut me into pieces and roast me somewhere in this forest? I gulp in fear.

"I've never done this, but would you like me to give you a weapon to defend yourself?" He thrusts it into my hand.


"I mean, I believe this can be entertaining." He smiles while studying the knife in my hand.

With wide eyes and a racing heartbeat, I study the blade. I've held different kinds before, but none have made me feel as guilty as this one. Even the light shimmering on the edges makes it more terrifying. The 'L' that's carved on it holds many stones. My body is shaking, and if I wanted to stop, I couldn't.

When I don't move, he lifts a brow. "You know? Now is the time where you start running...or you try to kill me first."

I shake my head, unable to tear my eyes away from it. This is a trap. It has to be. Even when my head screams to let it go, my fingers remain tightly wrapped around it. I'm sure I've wet myself, but I can't muster the strength to run. I can't scream. I can't move a single muscle in my body.

"What do you mean by no?" He rolls his eyes," What an awful meal. Now I understand the phrase that goes 'Don't judge the book by its cover'. I say run!" he barks at me. Saliva drips from his thirsty mouth.

I tremble in fear.

"Run or I'll not only feed on you but drain you dry until your own cannot recognize who you are. Or maybe," he pauses, "cut it into pieces and feed them to the lonely wolves that live around the borders. Then, there will be nothing for others to remember."

I close my eyes as a sob escapes my lips.

He makes a sound in the back of his throat that signals he's finally satisfied. "Listen to that heartbeat. It's like music to my ears."

My lips quiver as he traces a cold finger along my jaw. I don't want to be a meal. I don't want to die. So, with what I have in my hand and without a second thought, I finally find the strength and thrust the blade into him. Both of us freeze as we lower our gazes to the wound.

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