A Child's Guide to Overcoming Tragedy - Felix

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WARNING: implied child abuse + sickness

If someone asked what Chan's ideal life was like he would tell them about a certain orphanage just outside of town. It wasn't the biggest, most well-funded or well-known place around. It was just a small home run by a couple who have the kindest heart and intentions to make children's lives worth living. The walls are filled with love and warmth, and the garden was the most colourful thing he's ever seen.

Usually, Chan and Minho's cosy family home echoed with the sound of playful laughter, the pitter-patter of little feet, and the occasional shriek of delight. However, this morning was a little different. Breakfast had been a mess, colourful plastic bowls were scattered across the table as milk dripped off the waterproof table cover and onto the polished wooden floor. Minho and Chan knew that fostering children would be hard work, but they never expected this. Don't get them wrong, they loved their boys with every cell in their body, but sometimes things got a little hard for them. Some of their boys had been through a lot, they carried a lot of trauma with their past experiences and sometimes it resurfaced leading to incidents like this. Tantrums were a regular occurrence for the household so Chan and Minho were experts on handling them now and knowing all the needs of their sons.

This morning, they just had some cereal and milk for breakfast. Something easy and quick that would fill their boys up after their deep sleeps. Well, it was supposed to be quick and easy but Felix decided he wasn't hungry. This would have been fine if it was any of the other boys but considering Felix's weight was extremely light for his age, they had to make sure the boy was eating all his meals, if not more. Chan was desperately trying to feed the three year old but wasn't getting anywhere, Minho had watched as Chan tried to stay calm and collected as he tried to feed the boy small spoonfuls of coco pops. After a good ten minutes of Chan constantly trying to get the younger to open his mouth, Felix decided enough was enough and tipped the bowl up before running away.

This is what led them to their current situation. Minho stayed behind in the kitchen cleaning up the mess of milk and coco pops, jeongin and seungmin still sitting in their high chairs sipping on the juice Minho had placed in front of them. Hyunjin, Changbin and Jisung took to the stairs after finishing their bowls, changing out of their pyjamas and playing quietly in their rooms.

Chan was currently sitting on the cold tiled floor, back leaning against the white wall of their laundry room. Opposite him was Felix, head in his knees as he hugged himself, hiding in between the washing machine and the drying rack. "Lixie, talk to me" Chan said softly as he waited for the young boy to look at him.

As foster parents, they had a different way of parenting. These boys have been in traumatic situations and things such as shouting, large movements and violent words/actions can be very triggering for them. That's exactly why Chan let himself calm down before silently sitting on the floor opposite Felix, letting the boy know that he had no intentions to hurt the younger.

"I'm going to say here until you're ready, take your time sweetheart" chan said, looking at the boy in front of him. He was tiny, too small. They had to get some food into him otherwise he would become sick.

"I'm sorry" Felix whispered shyly as he looked up at Chan with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you for apologising baby, I'm proud of you. But you know we don't throw things in this house. Especially not a bowl full of food, somebody could have slipped up and that wouldn't be good huh?" Chan said softly and Felix nodded slightly with tears falling down his cheeks.

"How about we try again, do you think you could try eating half the bowl? Would that be easier little one?" Felix tucked his head back into his knees without replying.

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