Holiday Seizures - Felix

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WARNING: Epilepsy + seizures.

Stray Kids had been working around the clock on their highly-anticipated comeback. 3racha were working through the small hours, crafting their new sound and assigning each member specific roles. Seungmin's delicate and airy vocals drew mesmerising melodies, captivating his bandmates with its beauty. Meanwhile, Felix injected the tunes with a deep and intense energy that seemed to ripple through the industry.

Chan and Changbin were feeling the effects of not getting enough sleep - they were exhausted, caffeine being the only thing keeping them going nowadays. Felix was having trouble remembering his Korean lines, no matter how much help the boys gave him he couldn't seem to get it right. Things weren't any better for Seungmin, Jeongin, and Hyunjin either, constantly playing pranks that ended with them in trouble with their hyungs. Minho was at a breaking point too since he had to make sure Chan wasn't overworking himself as well as manage his own responsibilities while also caring for his younger members. The boys were really stressed out and deserved a break.

JYP acknowledged the boys' hard work, and as a reward, decided to take them on a mini-vacation in the mountains. The condition was that they would have to film their SKZ CODE series for a few days while they were there. They all happily agreed; not only were they going to get a much-needed break, but they could also provide their fans with new content. This trip would give them an opportunity to unwind and have some fun before diving back into training for their upcoming comeback.


It was early, The morning sun had barely kissed the horizon when Felix woke up with a groggy head, aware that it was going to be a long, tough day. He felt as if he were enveloped in an aura of exhaustion and confusion, unable to tell whether he was simply tired or something else entirely.

He stifled a yawn as he dragged himself into the kitchen, where Minho and Chan already had steaming cups of coffee in their hands. They looked at the younger boy and smiled warmly.

Chan couldn't help but notice the slightly pale complexion Felix held. In his defence, it was extremely early but Felix seemed to be a little too tired for chans liking. Besides, being idols meant sacrificing sleep so it wasn't like they were not used to the early starts.

"Aw, hey kitten, you look exhausted," Minho said, watching Felix yawn again for what felt like the hundredth time that morning. 

"Did you get enough sleep, are you feeling alright?" Chan asked. As the leader of the group, he felt it his responsibility to ensure that his members were both healthy and content. Felix's pale complexion was a little concerning in chan eyes.

Felix and lack of sleep rarely went hand in hand; the exhaustion often triggered seizures, which caused a great deal of worry for his bandmates, particularly for Felix's small physique. Those who watched him go through his spasms were usually overwhelmed with fear. They

knew that the most severe situations could be avoided if they kept him safe. Nevertheless, it was still discomfiting to witness how his small figure could convulse so aggressively.

"i slept fine, i'm not sure why i feel so tired but my brain feels a bit fuzzy" he replied adding to chans concern.

"Hm, feeling a bit fuzzy?" Chan echoed as he pulled the younger into his lap gently. Minho went to the top cupboard in the kitchen and retrieved Felix's anticonvulsant medication. "Take your meds and we'll keep an eye on you today." he continued as Minho calculated the correct dosage before handing it to the younger to take.

Chan was proud of Felix. He didn't normally tell anyone when he felt strange or like he was having an aura; it took a lot of courage for him to talk about the changes in his body, which were markers for an oncoming seizure so this morning was a significant victory. Felix would normally wait until the last minute to notify any of the boys that he was about to have a seizure. Even if his members didn't mind, he hated pulling them away from their tasks.

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