ARCHIVES: Ava's Week Off

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[This is a short story based loosely on the canon timeline. Here, Dr. Walsh gives Ava a short vacation, and she figures out how to spend it to the fullest.]

- Day #1 -

-"Bye, Doc!"- I wave goodbye to Dr. Walsh. She just nods at me and her fluffy hair bounces around. Free at last! I don't remember the last time I got this much time to myself... I'll make the most of it! I'm gonna do some self-care, I'm gonna bake treats for my Willow, and...

First things first. Comfiest robe on, hot chocolate steaming, and this tea flower mask feels like a tropical vacation on my face. I gotta thank the guy that makes the rice cleanser down in Level 11... A fresh homemade pie sounds just about right for his troubles.

- Day #2 -

Today I feel like treating me and Willow to some homemade cookies. Mine will be oatmeal and cinnamon, and his... Can dogs eat cinnamon? No idea, I'll just make them with oatmeal and eggs. I've never tried this recipe before...

They turned out foul. Guess the goat milk gives them a weird consistency? I headed to the market and spent my leftover tickets from last month on almond cookies and dog treats.

Day #3 -

I called my brother to do something together, but he didn't pick up. Crickets.

Just as I was plotting his imminent demise in a lab-engineered plague, the bugger showed up with tiny fruit cakes and hot tea. I forgave him.

We ended up heading to the park to watch the doggies and catch up. I tell him about something I've been thinking about for the last few weeks.

[in Thai] -"Hey, my hair has been drying up weird these days. You know how I've always had it short? As you can see, I'm growing it out and -look- WAVES."-

-"Waves indeed."-

-"Do you remember if Mom's hair did this?"-

-"Yes... Don't you know that we have wavy hair?"-


- Day #4 -

My brother stayed over to play with Willow and left in the morning. That dog has him wrapped around his tiny paw just like with Kio, but he won't admit it.

I think I ran out of things to do. When I sit at the edge of my unmade bed and think about something I want to do, my mind goes blank. Going to the gym? I should, but I'm just not a fan. Taking Willow for a walk? He eats trash off of the floor. My brother? Dude's busier than a raccoon on caffeine. I know he's an engineer and everything, but sometimes I wish he spent more time with me.

No, that's probably selfish. He has a life of his own now.

I find myself dragging my feet towards the elevators, and straight down to the labs where she always is.

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