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"Ms. Go-eun, you must find the strength to endure this," Officer Seokjin whispered, his voice heavy with empathy, as Namjoon's mother's grip on reality slipped further away. They huddled together in the sterile hospital room, their hearts heavy with anticipation, awaiting confirmation on whether the lifeless body they were about to examine belonged to Namjoon or not. Jungkook had already obtained a photo of the deceased, his hands trembling with fear and anticipation, knowing the devastating truth but too terrified to reveal it to Namjoon's mother, Yoongi, and the others. Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok couldn't bear to witness the grim reality, so they remained outside the post-mortem room, their hearts burdened with sorrow.

Officer Seokjin's voice quivered as he continued, his words laden with the weight of the situation. They stood together, their bodies trembling, in front of the imposing door that led to the post-mortem room. It loomed before them, a chilling reminder of the harsh reality they were about to confront.

Yoongi's heart pounded relentlessly in his chest, his breaths shallow and erratic. The mere thought of one of those lifeless bodies belonging to Namjoon was unimaginable, a nightmare he couldn't bear to face. The love of his life, his soulmate, lying motionless on a cold, sterile bed in the post-mortem room was a haunting image that threatened to consume him. His hands shook uncontrollably as he clung desperately to Namjoon's mother, seeking solace and strength in her presence, their shared grief intertwining their souls.

In her own state of distress, Namjoon's mother clutched onto Yoongi's trembling grip, feeling the depth of his love for her son. Her heart ached for him, knowing that on that fateful day in the park, Yoongi had planned to confess his love and propose to Namjoon. But before he had the chance, their happiness was cruelly snatched away, leaving them all in this agonizing limbo of uncertainty.

"The first body we found is a young boy, tragically struck by a speeding car," Officer Seokjin's voice quivered as he struggled to find the right words. Deep down, he desperately hoped that neither of the bodies belonged to Namjoon, but the weight of the situation pressed heavily on his heart. He silently prayed that fate would spare them from the unbearable pain of losing their beloved Namjoon.

Officer Seokjin let out a heavy sigh, his voice choked with emotion. "I don't know how to say this, but I pray that neither of them is Namjoon. And if, by some cruel twist of fate, it is him, then let us pray that the second body isn't our precious Namjoon," he managed to utter, his words laced with sorrow. With a heavy heart, he opened the door to the post-mortem room and led Namjoon's mother inside, Yoongi following closely behind.

As they approached the post-mortem room, a suffocating silence enveloped them, amplifying their anguish. The air felt heavy with sorrow, each step closer to the truth becoming more agonizing than the last. The door creaked open, revealing a chilling scene that shattered their hearts into a million irreparable pieces.

As they entered the post-mortem room, the air grew heavy with sorrow and despair. The sterile environment seemed to amplify their anguish, each step closer to the bodies intensifying their fear. They braced themselves for the heart-wrenching sight that awaited them, praying that it wouldn't be Namjoon lying there, lifeless and cold.

The room was filled with an eerie silence, as if the air itself mourned the loss that awaited them. In the center of the room, two beds stood side by side, shrouded in white cloth, concealing the lifeless bodies beneath. The room seemed colder, darker, as if the weight of the tragedy had seeped into its very walls.

Time seemed to stand still as they approached the first body. The room was filled with a suffocating silence, broken only by the sound of their shallow breaths. Officer Seokjin, with a heavy heart, began the painful process of unveiling the truth, first body.

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