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"So, I was right," Yoongi whispered to himself, his voice barely audible in the stillness of the early morning. He stood alone in the front of the park, his heart heavy with anticipation and disappointment. It was 4 in the morning, and he had been waiting for Namjoon, hoping against hope that he would come. But as the minutes ticked by, Yoongi's dreams of confessing his love and longing for something more than their childhood friendship began to crumble.

His mind raced with doubts and insecurities. "Maybe he started to hate me," Yoongi mumbled, his voice trembling with pain. "Maybe I crossed the line, pushing our friendship too far." The weight of his unspoken feelings crushed him, and he sank to his knees, his gaze darting aimlessly around the empty park.

Unbeknownst to Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok had just finished cleaning the park. Jimin's heart ached as he watched Yoongi's despair, his own confusion mirroring the sadness in his friend's eyes. Deep down, Jimin knew that Namjoon shared Yoongi's feelings, but the absence of their friend left them all bewildered.

Determined to find answers, Jimin dialed Namjoon's mom's number, his fingers trembling with a mix of worry and frustration. He urged Hoseok and Jungkook to take Yoongi back to his house, hoping that being in a familiar environment would offer some solace to their broken-hearted friend.

But as he reaches for his phone to dial the number, a piercing scream echoes through the air, causing his hand to tremble and the device to slip from his grasp. Panic sets in as he quickly retrieves his phone and rushes to Yoongi's side. The sight before him is heart-wrenching - Yoongi is in a state of utter despair, tears streaming down his face as he desperately tugs at his own hair. The early morning light begins to illuminate the park, and the world around them slowly awakens to the distressing scene.

Jungkook's anger towards Namjoon intensifies, convinced that this was all intentional. How could Namjoon not understand? It was clear from the letter that Yoongi had poured his heart out, confessing his feelings and hoping for a positive response. If only Namjoon had comprehended the depth of Yoongi's emotions, none of this would have happened. He could have simply expressed his lack of reciprocation, and everything would have been fine. But Namjoon didn't even bother to show up.

The thought of confronting Namjoon fills Jungkook with a burning determination. He yearns to scold him, to make him understand the pain he has caused. Hoseok shares the same sentiment, but his curiosity drives him to seek answers. He knows deep down that Namjoon feels something for Yoongi, despite his accidental slip of the tongue. However, there is an unsettling feeling that something is amiss. Jimin's voice interrupts their thoughts, pulling them back to reality.

"Hyung, it's already morning. If anyone sees Yoongi in this state, it won't be good. Let's take him to my house and figure out what to do from there," Jimin suggests, concern etched across his face. Hoseok nods in agreement, turning to Jungkook. "Kook, we need your help getting Yoongi into the car," he implores. Jungkook nods, determination flickering in his eyes, as the three of them carefully assist Yoongi into the vehicle, their combined efforts a testament to their unwavering support.

The car ride to Jimin's house is filled with a heavy silence, the weight of the situation hanging in the air. Yoongi's sobs echo throughout the confined space, a haunting reminder of the pain he is enduring. Each passing moment only intensifies the urgency to find answers, to understand why Namjoon chose to stay away. The journey feels agonizingly long, every second stretching out like an eternity.

Yoongi was writhing in excruciating pain, his body trembling with each agonizing breath. The pain was unbearable, and he couldn't understand why Namjoon hadn't come to the park. Determined to find answers, Yoongi made up his mind to go to Namjoon's house and confront him directly. Jimin had told him that he was sure Namjoon would come to the park and accept Yoongi's proposal, but he didn't come. Something felt off.

As the car sped towards Jimin's house, Yoongi's pain intensified. It became unbearable, and he couldn't take it anymore. "Stop the car!" Yoongi yelled, his voice filled with desperation. Jimin and Jungkook exchanged worried glances as Hoseok, who was driving, brought the car to a screeching halt. Yoongi's glare pierced through the rearview mirror, causing Hoseok to nod in understanding.

Confused and alarmed, Yoongi opened the car door, ready to step out. But before he could make a move, Jimin tightly gripped his hand, locking eyes with him. The intensity in Jimin's gaze was unsettling, and Yoongi couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. He looked away, trying to make sense of the situation.

Suddenly, Jungkook's voice broke the silence, filled with despair and anguish. "You're late, hyung. I couldn't bear it anymore. They... they raped me and tortured me. I wanted to live for you, but it was too much." Yoongi's heart pounded in his chest as he absorbed Jungkook's words. The weight of the revelation crushed him, and his head throbbed with pain. He couldn't even bring himself to look at Jungkook, who sat beside the driver's seat.

As Yoongi struggled to process the horrifying words, Jungkook turned his head, revealing a face covered in blood. His lips were marred with countless cuts, evidence of the unspeakable torment he had endured. Yoongi's eyes widened in shock as Jungkook's face began to morph into Namjoon's. The sight was nightmarish, and just as Yoongi thought he couldn't bear it any longer, he woke up.

He found himself in Jimin's bedroom, sprawled out on the bed. Jungkook sat on a chair nearby, his face etched with deep sadness as he scrolled through his phone, desperately searching for something. When he noticed Yoongi stirring, he immediately called out to the others, his voice filled with urgency, "Jimin hyung, Hoseok hyung, Yoongi Hyung is awake!"

Rushing to his side, Jungkook handed Yoongi a glass of water, a concern evident in his eyes. Jimin and Hoseok quickly entered the room, their expressions mirroring Jungkook's distress. Yoongi couldn't help but notice the redness in Jimin's eyes, a clear sign of tears shed. Before he could even ask, Hoseok spoke up, his voice trembling with anguish, "Hyung, Namjoon got kidnapped." The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of the situation sinking in. The air grew thick with tension as they all grappled with the shocking news, their minds racing with worry and fear for their missing friend.

Words: 1110

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