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As Namjoon trudged towards his next class, his anger simmered and boiled within him, threatening to consume him entirely. How dare this audacious guy have the nerve to kiss him in front of everyone? Namjoon's fists clenched tightly, his knuckles turning white as the surge of frustration coursed through his veins. The audacity of this rich, entitled grandson of the school principal was beyond infuriating.

His mind raced with a flurry of thoughts, replaying the scene over and over again, each time imagining a different reaction. He should have more slapped him right then and there, a resounding smack that would have shown him that his wealth and status didn't grant him the freedom to do whatever he pleased. Namjoon despised individuals who thought they were above the rules, and this guy was the epitome of that arrogance.

But amidst his seething anger, a pang of relief washed over Namjoon as he realized that Yoongi wasn't there to witness the humiliating scene. He knew how fiercely protective Yoongi could be, and he feared what his hot-headed best friend might have done in that moment. It was a blessing in disguise that Yoongi wasn't present, as Namjoon wasn't sure what lengths he would have gone to defend his honor.

Lost in his tumultuous thoughts, Namjoon failed to notice the approaching footsteps behind him. The sound jolted him back to reality, and he turned around to find Yoongi standing there, a mix of happiness and exhaustion etched across his face. Namjoon knew that Yoongi had just finished football practice, his passion for the sport evident in every fiber of his being. Yoongi was the captain of the team, and his dedication was unmatched.

In that moment, Namjoon wished he had the courage to confess his feelings to Yoongi. He longed to tell him how his heart raced whenever Yoongi was near, how his thoughts became a jumbled mess, and how he couldn't help but feel shy and vulnerable in his presence. Namjoon yearned for Yoongi to grant him the right to call him his, to share their deepest emotions and desires.

But the weight of uncertainty and fear held Namjoon back, trapping him in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He couldn't bear the thought of jeopardizing their friendship, of potentially losing the one person who meant the world to him. So, for now, Namjoon kept his feelings hidden, buried deep within his heart, hoping that one day the courage to reveal them would find its way to him.

"Joon, what's wrong? You look tense," Yoongi said, a concern evident in his voice as Namjoon snapped out of his thoughts once again. Yoongi gently placed his hand on Namjoon's forehead, checking for any signs of fever. With the virus spreading everywhere, Yoongi didn't want Namjoon to fall ill. A wave of relief washed over him when he realized Namjoon's temperature was normal.

Namjoon couldn't help but feel a surge of shyness as Yoongi's hand rested on his forehead. He shook his head, trying to hide his embarrassment, and managed a small smile. "I'm good, hyung. Just feeling the pressure from studying," he replied, his voice slightly shaky. Yoongi chuckled, finding it amusing that Namjoon, the top student in their school, would feel any kind of pressure.

But Namjoon couldn't help but feel his face heat up, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson, as he noticed how incredibly handsome Yoongi looked when he laughed. He loved the way Yoongi's sharp, cat-like eyes sparkled with happiness, and how he absentmindedly ran his long, slender fingers through his black, wolf-cut hair. And the way Yoongi's shoulders shook when he couldn't control his laughter, it was endearing and made Namjoon's heart flutter.

"Joon, you're not just the topper of this school, but your beauty is unmatched," Yoongi said, his voice filled with sincerity. Namjoon's heart skipped a beat as he noticed Yoongi biting his lip, a gesture that always made him weak in the knees. And then, to his surprise and delight, Yoongi's hand gently caressed his face, radiating so much care and love. At that moment, Namjoon couldn't help but wonder if Yoongi felt the same way he did.

The air around them grew thick with anticipation and unspoken emotions. Namjoon's mind raced, his heart pounding in his chest. He wanted to confess his feelings, to tell Yoongi how much he meant to him. But fear held him back, fear of rejection and ruining their friendship. So, he simply closed his eyes, savoring the warmth of Yoongi's touch, and silently hoped that one day, their unspoken love would find its way to the surface.

On the other hand, Yoongi found himself in the same predicament as Namjoon. He, too, was plagued by fear when it came to confessing his feelings to Namjoon. The thought of revealing his emotions and desires to him was both exhilarating and terrifying. Yoongi yearned to express how he felt, to tell Namjoon that he wanted to hold him as his boyfriend, to taste the sweetness of his plum pink lips, and to have Namjoon's beautiful dragon brown eyes filled with love, focused solely on him. He longed for Namjoon to affectionately call him dadd-baby and dreamed of a future where they would be together forever.

Lost in his beautiful thoughts about Namjoon, Yoongi absentmindedly started caressing Namjoon's face, completely consumed by his deep love for him. The intensity of his feelings had reached a point where he could no longer wait for the perfect moment. He had made up his mind to confess his love, regardless of Namjoon's response. It was now or never.

Their daydreams were abruptly interrupted by the piercing sound of the school bell, signaling the start of class. Both boys exchanged awkward smiles, their hearts pounding in their chests. "Hyung, class has started. We should go," Namjoon mumbled, his gaze fixed on the ground. Yoongi couldn't help but smile at Namjoon's adorable behavior, his heart swelling with affection. "Let's meet after school, okay?" Yoongi suggested, pulling the younger boy into a tender embrace. He reluctantly released Namjoon when he saw him nodding in agreement.

As they reluctantly parted ways, the air was charged with anticipation. Yoongi couldn't help but feel a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Today, he would finally lay his heart bare before Namjoon, no matter the outcome. The thought of their meeting after school consumed his every thought, and he couldn't wait to pour out his feelings, hoping that Namjoon would reciprocate his love.

Words: 1088

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